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Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye (rgyal sras bstan bstan 'dzin rab rgyas) [1638-1696]
Literary Works
Main Teachers
- Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (zhabs drung ngag dbang rnam rgyal)[1594-1651]
Main Students
Main Lineages
Alternate Names
Other Reference Sources
- Rje Mkhan-po VI Ngag-dbang-lhun-grub [1673-1730] (1720). Mtshungs med chos kyi rgyal po rje rin po che’i rnam par thar pa bskal bzang legs bris ’dod pa’i re skong dpag bsam gyi snye ma. 383 folios. Biography of the 4th Druk Desi Tenzin Rabgye (1638-1696). Woodblock print.
Internal Links
External Links
- John A. Ardussi: Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye and the Founding of Taktsang Lhakhang. Journal of Bhutan Studies, 1:1, 1999
- TBRC P512