bka' 'dus chos kyi rgya mtsho'i tshom bu nyer gcig

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21 mandala clusters of the gathering of the transmitted precepts [glorious Chemchok heruka in the center; Yangdag heruka, vajr vali, vajrap ni, and rdo-rje rtsal rdzogs E; vajrakap lam la, Chakrasamvara, yam ntaka, and ratna rtsal rdzogs S; hayagr va, Hevajra, guhyasam ja, and padma rtsal-rdzogs W chemchok, k lacakra, mkha' klong 'khyil ba and karma rtsal rdzogs N mngon rdzogs rgyal po SE; vajrakum ra SW; dregs 'dul NW; and stobs ldan nag po NE] [IW]

21 mandala clusters of the gathering of the transmitted precepts [IW]