sgrib pa gsum
see: mthong ba'i chos la 'phags lam skye ba'i gegs sgrib pa gsum Three veils hinder the arising of the noble path [within one's stream-of-being] within this present lifetime [RY]
Three kinds of obscurations. The obscuration of disturbing emotions, the obscuration of dualistic knowledge, and the obscuration of tendencies or habitual patterns [RY]
chags pa'i sgrib pa dang, thogs pa'i sgrib pa, dman pa'i sgrib pa bcas gsum mam, nyon mongs kyi sgrib pa dang, shes bya'i sgrib pa, las kyi sgrib pa bcas gsum mo [IW]
three obscurations [IW]
three obscurations [The obscurations of the knowable, of conflicting emotions, and of propensities [Gd] 1) rnam smin gyi sgrib pa 2) las kyi sgrib pa 3) nyon mongs pa'i sgrib pa the three obscurations, the three veils [Tse] [IW]
three obscurations [[sgrib pa gsum - chags pa'i sgrib pa dang, thogs pa'i sgrib pa, dman pa'i sgrib pa bcas gsum mam, nyon mongs kyi sgrib pa dang, shes bya'i sgrib pa, las kyi sgrib pa bcas gsum mo] [IW]
Three Obscurations. The obscurations of the knowable, of conflicting emotions and of propensities. 1) rnam smin gyi sgrib pa. 2) las kyi sgrib pa 3) nyon mongs pa'i sgrib pa the three obscurations, the three veils [RY]