brgyud pa
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lineage (of transmission) [RB]
- Lineage [GD]
along, go through, pass, cross, lineage, school, tradition, belonging to a race or family, spiritual heritage, ancestor, descendant, transmission, parampara, lineages of transmission [JV]
1) lineage of transmission; transmission, lineage. 2) brgyud pa, brgyud pa, brgyud pa tha dad pa; to be transmitted; passed through, passed on. 3) progeny, offspring. 4) heredity, origin, birth, generation. 5) indirect [RY]
1) be transmitted; 2) go directly; 3) lineage, transmission; 3) origin, birth; 4) generation; 5) heredity, strain, breed; 6) offspring [Tha dad pa, unbroken connection/ continuity from 1 to another, [almost anything, not just spiritual or family two Rjes shul 'dzin mkhan]; 7) indirect [IW]
lineage [thd]