
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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iron, metal, steel, iron trevet, tripod, place 8 miles s.e. of bkra' shis lhun po in tsang, any iron instrument or tool, lock, fetter, shackle [JV]

iron, metal [IW]

1) iron; 2) metal; 3) whip [R] 2) door/ box etc fastening implement; 3) whip; 4) metal [one of the 'byung ba lnga [.Lo khams lcags,...Lcags dgra me,...Chu ma lcags]; 5) kind of pecious med. substance)/ [R] [IW]

1) iron; 2) metal; 3) whip * two door/ box etc fastening implement; 3) whip; 4) metal; 5) kind of precious med. substance [IW]

1) iron. 2) metal. 3) whip; Guardian Demon of Kilaya teachings [RY]