theg pa dman pa
Hinayana. The vehicles focused on contemplation of the four noble truths and the twelve links of dependent origination for the sake of individual liberation [RY]
hinayana, the lesser vehicle[s] [IW]
Hinayana, the lesser vehicle[s], nyan thos kyi theg pa, rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa; Hinayana, the Lesser Vehicle [RY]
hinayana, the lesser vehicle[s] nyan thos kyi theg pa., rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa [IW]
SA theg dman, Individual Way [JV]
Inferior Vehicle, Lesser Vehicle [thd]
Hinayana. The vehicles focused on contemplation of the four noble truths and the twelve links of dependent origination, the practice of which brings liberation from cyclic existence. When used in a derogative sense, the Hinayana attitude refers to the narrow pursuit of a spiritual path simply for the sake of individual liberation rather than for the enlightenment of all sentient beings [RY]