theg pa gsum
Three vehicles. Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana [RY]
the three vehicles [1) nyan thos kyi theg pa. vehicle of listeners. 2) rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa. vehicle of lone-learners. 3) theg pa chen po. vehicle of alturistic saints. three Vehicles. these either refer to the three causal vehicles of the pious attendants, self-centred buddhas, and bodhisattvas,. or to the vehicle of directing the cause of suffering kun 'byung 'dren pa. the vehicle of austere awareness dka' thub rig. and the vehicle of overpowering means dbang bsgyur thabs kyi theg pa. [Gd-mk]. [tserig]. nyan thos kyi theg pa, rang rgyal gyi theg pa, byang sems kyi theg pa ste gsum] [IW]
the three yanas/ vehicles [usually 1) nyan thos kyi theg pa. vehicle of listeners/ pious attendants/ shravakas. 2) rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa. vehicle of lone-learners/, self-centred buddhas/ pratyekabuddhas.; 3) theg pa chen po. vehicle of alturistic saints/ bodhisattvas, OR 1 the vehicle of directing the cause of suffering kun 'byung 'dren pa two the vehicle of austere awareness dka' thub rig and three the vehicle of overpowering means dbang bsgyur thabs kyi theg pa [Gd-mk]. [tse] [IW]
three vehicles (theg dman, rang sangs rgyas, theg chen) [JV]
three yanas/ spiritual approaches [RB]
the three yanas/ vehicles [IW]
three yanas/ spiritual approaches;1) nyan thos kyi theg pa vehicle of listeners. rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa vehicle of lone-learners. theg pa chen po vehicle of altruistic saints. Three Vehicles. three causal vehicles of the pious attendants, self-centered buddhas, and bodhisattvas. 2) to the vehicle of directing the cause of suffering kun 'byung 'dren pa the vehicle of austere awareness dka' thub rig and the vehicle of overpowering means dbang bsgyur thabs kyi theg pa [RY]