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holy, brave, excellent, real, solid, reliable, can be counted upon, question mark, supreme, strictly enforced, bound fast, fit or suitable to be bound by promise, bound under an oath, question particle, "or" particle, even if, or whether [JV]

1) or; 2) ? * [solemn] promise, vow, [confirmation by] oath, strict, firm, stable, uptight, tense, tight [comp dam pa] [IW]

1) or; 2) ? [conj or ? particle used after the final [IW]

samaya, connection; strict, firm, stable, uptight, tense, tight; - Syn [[dam bca' - Syn dam tshig; 1) interrogative particle used after final 'd'. 2) 'or' particle used after the final 'd'. 3) a solemn promise, vow, oath, confirmation by oath, to promise, the act of promising, the promise. 4) strict, firm, stable, uptight, tense, tight, - Syn dam bca' Syn dam tshig 5) the brown bear [RY]