kyi dus su - while [RY]
time, sequence, day, date, then, at that time, temporality, timing, cosmic term, season, certain time, for awhile, sometimes, "when" connective, time, phase, during [JV]
time; temporal relationship; isc. context [RB]
(verb)-dus - when. at the point that. once.; 1) time, period of time, season, age, period, occasion, timely. 2) [vb.+--] at the time of, while, when. temporal sequence. day, date; age, aeon; time, moment; time, season, age, period, occasion; timely; time; temporal relationship; when. Syn tshe. 3) Time, as one of the ten non-concurrent formations. Def. by Jamg�n Kongtr�l: rgyu dang 'bras bu byung nas 'gags pa 'das pa dang, ma byung ba ni ma 'ongs pa dang, byung ba ma 'gag pa ni da ltar ba'o, [RY]
1) [point in] [period of] time; 2) when, at the time of, while, [at the] moment [of]; 3) 6:; 4) cause and effect; 5) * season, age, period, occasion; 6) timely (vb+- * temporal sequence [IW]
. . . (verb +) dus - when . . . ; even as . . . ; isc. at the point that . . . ; once . . . ; isc. chance of . . . [RB]
1) [point in] time, when [syn: bgrang bya dang, yang dag 'gro, slar byung]; 2) 6: [from dpyid, so ga, dbyar, ston, dgun stod, dgun smad]; 3) cause and effect rgyun du 'byung ba'i yun gyi gnas skabs, ldan min 'du byed kyi nang gses shig time, period of time, season, age, period, occasion, timely (vb+--) at the time of, while, when, as creator, [one of the 10 non- concurrent formations] temporal sequence, moment [rgyu dang 'bras bu byung nas 'gags pa 'das pa dang/ ma byung ba ni ma 'ongs pa dang/ byung ba ma 'gag pa ni da ltar ba'o] [IW]