bden pa gnyis

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Two truths. Relative truth and ultimate truth. Relative truth describes the seeming, superficial and apparent mode of all things. Ultimate truth describes the real, true and unmistaken mode. These two aspects of reality are defined by the Four Philosophical Schools as well as the tantras of Vajrayana in different ways, each progressively deeper and closer to describing things as they are [RY]

satyadvaya kun rdzob kyis bden pa sa v tisatya and don dam bden pa relative and absolute truth param rthasatya [IW]

two levels of truth [RB]

2 truths (don dam, kun rdzob) [JV]

two levels of truth, two truths [absolute and relative]; Relative truth kun rdzob kyi bden pa and ultimate truth don dam bden pa Syn bden gnyis [RY]

two truths [thd]

two truths [relative truth kun rdzob kyi bden pa or samvrtisatya and ultimate truth don dam bden pa or param rthasatya] [IW]