'dus byas
conditional, compound, composite nature, concrete reality, conditional existence, composed of two or more ingredients, conditioned, compiled, brought together, revised, compounded, product, material world, composite, a composed thing, brought together, corporate, are contained in, compound entity, composite [JV]
conditioned [thd]
compound, composite, conditioned thing; product, compounded, conditioned, formed; aggregate; composite phenomenon; caused phenomenon, compiled, brought together, material world, Skt. samskrita [RY]
composite (factor/ phenomenon); compounded (of causes and conditions); isc. created through circumstances [RB]
1) composite; 2) conditioned; 3) samskrita (/ [produced or arising from many causes and conditions, and from the dharmas of the five skandhas. caused phenomenon, product, material world compiled, compounded, brought together,] [IW]
1) composite, compiled, compounded, brought together; 2) conditioned; 3) samskrita [IW]