phun tshogs

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distinguishment, excellence, abundance, perfection, accomplishment, abundant, perfect, complete, excellent, exquisite, distinguished, superior good, possessed of the three. grace glory and wealth. Syn phun sum tshogs pa [RY]

lha'i phun tshogs mi la yong dogs med - the things of the gods are not right for mankind [RY]

perfect, SA phun sum tshogs, complete, sublime, mass of merits, quintessence, all that could e desired, heaven, paradise [JV]

distinguishment, excellence, abundance, perfect[ion], accomplishment, abundant, perfect, complete, excellent, exquisite, distinguished, superior good, possessed of the three grace glory and wealth, sublime, mass of merits, quintessence, all that could be desired [IW]

phun sum tshogs pa excellence/ abundance/ excellent abundance; fortuitous [RB]