tshangs pa'i dbyangs

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brahmaghosa [Buddha], Brahmalike voice [the melodious voice of the buddha] [IW]

gsung 'gags pa med pa tshangs pa'i dbyangs - your speech is the free-flowing melody of Brahma [RY]

melody of Brahma [IW]

melody of brahma, voice of brahma, intonation with which the veda is read [JV]

a melodious voice. one of the skyes bu chen po'i mtshan sum bcu rtsa gnyis. the thirty marks of a great being; brahmaghosa [Buddha]. Brahma-like voice, [the melodious voice of the Buddha] [RY]

Brahma-like voice. The voice endowed with the sixteen perfect qualities of Brahma, the king of the gods. A common description of a buddha's speech [RY]

a melodious voice [one of the skyes bu chen po'i mthan sum bcu rtsa gnyis. = the 32 marks of a great being [IW]

brahmaghosa [Buddha], Brahmalike voice [IW]