tshad ma rnam 'grel

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Pramana-Vartika, [work on logic by Dharmakirti]. The "Commentary on the Compendium of Valid Cognition", the greatest work of Indian Buddhist epistemology and logic, an inquiry into the "valid means of knowing tshad ma" one of the tshad ma sde bdun- the seven treatises on logic by Dharmakirti. pramana Vartika by Dharmakirti, 7th cent [RY]

Commentary on Valid Cognition, by Dharmakirti [ggd] [RY]

Commentary on Logic [commentary on Dignaga's Compendium of Logic [Pramana-Samucchaya]; Pramana Vartika Karika; Dharmakirti, 7th century [RY]

Pramanavartika, Commentary on the compendium of valid cognition [work on logic by dharmakirti]. the greatest work of indian buddhist epistemology and logic, an inquiry into the "valid means of knowing tshad ma." 1 of the tshad ma sde bdun. the 7 treatises on logic by Dharmakirti. [tse]. tshad ma rnam 'grel gyi tshig le'ur byas pa zhes bya ba, rang don gyi le'u dang, tshad ma grub pa'i le'u dang, mngon sum gyi le'u dang, gzhan don le'u bcas le'u bcas le'u bzhi'i bdag nyid can, rgya gar gyi slob dpon dpal chos kyi grags pas brtsams pa'i tshad ma'i gzhung rgyas pa zhig ste, tshad ma sde bdun las rtsa ba lus lta bu'i bstan bcos gsum gyi gras shig] [IW]

Pramanavartika, [work on logic by Dharmakirti]. the "Commentary on the compendium of valid cognition", the greatest work of indian buddhist epistemology and logic, an inquiry into the "valid means of knowing tshad ma." one of the tshad ma sde bdun. the seven treatises on logic by Dharmakirti. Ts. tshad ma rnam 'grel gyi tshig le'ur byas pa zhes bya ba, rang don gyi le'u dang, tshad ma grub pa'i le'u dang, mngon sum gyi le'u dang, gzhan don le'u bcas le'u bcas le'u bzhi'i bdag nyid can, rgya gar gyi slob dpon dpal chos kyi grags pas brtsams pa'i tshad ma'i gzhung rgyas pa zhig ste, tshad ma sde bdun las rtsa ba lus lta bu'i bstan bcos gsum gyi gras shig [IW]

Commentary on Valid Cognition [thd]

Pramanavartika, Commentary on the compendium of valid cognition [IW]