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the writings of [RY]

(main) source (text); course (of a river) [RB]

texts [RY]

Philosophical scriptures; main (root) text; middle, scriptures; scriptures; texts, bzhed pa the taught, expositions, gzhung gzhid views and ---, textual. textual tradition, fundamental / root text. the middle, midst, spinal marrow, scriptural system, major texts, Authoritative scriptures. (main) source (text); fundamental / major text [RY]

1) former dpon tshang or gong ma tshang and present goverment [office] rule; 2) general, ordinary, country, las khungs, khe las, tshogs khag, opposite of private [gzhung yig //sger don dor nas gzhung don sgrub pa]; 3) text, pecha; 5) srid dam dkyus ['phre gzhung,//chu gzhung,//gzhung ring] (6) center [mtsho gzhung,//gtsang po'i gzhung,//lce gzhung] 7) inner continuum/ nature kyi gzhung, gzhung drang texts, the taught, expositions) views and ---, textual tradition, fundamental root text, the middle, midst, spinal marrow, scriptual system, major text, Authoritative scripture [IW]

1) former dpon tshang or gong ma tshang andpresent goverment [office] rule; 2) general, ordinary, rgyal khab bam, las khungs, khe las, tshogs khag bcas gang rung la zer zhing, sger gyi ldog zla,//gzhung yig //sger don dor nas gzhung don sgrub pa; 3) text pecha; 5) srid dam dkyus,//'phre gzhung,//chu gzhung,//gzhung ring (6) center//mtsho gzhung,//gtsang po'i gzhung,//lce gzhung,//7) inner rgyud or nature//sems kyi gzhung, gzhung drang,//. texts, the taught, expositions) views and ---, textual tradition, fundamental root text, the middle, midst, spinal marrow, scriptual system, major text, Authoritative scripture [IW]

Authoritative scriptures. Books on philosophy with established validity [RY]

shastra, texts, middle, center, government, executive, literary work, original text, exposition, lengthwise, government, rites, tradition, text [JV]

scripture [thd]