yid la byed pa

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1) consider, think over, investigate; 2) perceive, apprehend, comprehend, realize, distinguish, understand things individually, mental event/ work/ demanding/ application/ activity/ engagement, enabling consciousness gtso sems, considerations, attention, contemplate, fancy, imagination, take to, pleased by, fix the mind on, take to heart [IW]

attention, mental work, mental demanding / application / engagement, contemplate, apprehending, apprehension, to comprehend, mental engagement/ to engage mentally, comprehension attention, fancy, imagination, to formulate thoughts/ ideas; to deliberate/ consider; to formulate ideas; ideation/ idea; mental process, take to, pleased by, fixing the mind on things Syn rnam rtog / bsam mno / mno bsam; attention, mind work, mental activity, [manasikara] [RY]

categorizing, attending to, selecting, egocentric demanding, mibp 28, act of deliberation, attention, mental (application, engagement), conceptualization, SA rnam rtog, comprehend, perceive, remember, mind, take to heart, imagination, fancy take to, be pleased by, reflect at length, picking out, mental directionality, conceptual engagements, mind-work, mental activity, to hold a notion about [JV]

to create concepts; to formulate thoughts/ ideas; to deliberate/ consider; to formulate ideas; ideation; idea; conceptual/ mental process; ordinary mental formations; isc. to concentrate [RB]