2. Remarks

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  1. Regarding the pronunciation of the single letters, as given above, it is to be born in mind, that surds ka, da + pa are uttered without the least admixture of an aspiration, viz. as k, t, p are pronounced in the words skate, stale, spear; the aspirates kha, tha + pha forcibly, rather harder than the same in Kate, tale, peer; the sonants ga, da + ba like g, d, b in gate, dale, beer.
  2. The same difference of hardness is to be observed in ca, cha + ja(cha occurs in church, ca the same without aspiration; ja in judge) and in tsaa, tsha + dza.
  3. zha is the soft modificationof sha or the s in leisure (French j in jamais, but more palatal).
  4. nga is the English ng in sing