Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection

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Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection (rdzogs chen kyi rgyud nyi shu rtsa lnga) - twenty-five tantras, belonging to the Mind Section and possibly also the Space Section, taught by Shri Singha to [[Vairochana]. Listed in Chapter 14 of Sanglingma [RY]

Auspicious Lamp Tantra (bkra shis sgron ma'i rgyud) - One of The Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Tantra of the Lamp of the Three Realms (khams gsum sgron ma'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana. A text with similar title is found in Vol. KA of the Nyingma Gyübum [RY]

Definite Essence Tantra (nges pa snying po'i rgyud) - One of The Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Single Mind Tantra (nyag gcig dgongs pa'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Essence Chiti Tantra (snying po spyi ti'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Most Secret Vajra Tantra (rdo rje rab tu gsang ba'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Great Space Liberation Tantra (nam mkha' che grol ba'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Great Extensive Space Chiti Tantra (nam mkha' che rgyas pa spyi ti'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Great Extensive Space Tantra (nam mkha' che rgyas pa'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Great Space Tantra of Awakened Mind (nam mkha' che ba sems kyi rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Epitomized Great Space Empowerment Tantra (nam mkha' che dbang gi gal mdo'i rgyud) - One of The Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Summit Tantra of Letterless Great Space (nam mkha' che yi ge med pa rtse mo'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Tantra of the Sphere of Awakened Mind (byang chub sems kyi thig le'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Pure Space Tantra (dbyings rnam par dag pa'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Garland of Instruction Tantra (man ngag phreng ba'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Quintessence King Tantra (yang tig rgyal po'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Primordial Buddhahood Tantra (ye nas sangs rgyas kyi rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Wisdom Lamp Tantra (ye shes sgron ma'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Wisdom Essence Tantra (ye shes thig le'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Jewel Lamp Tantra (rin po che sgron me'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Jewel Garland Tantra (rin po che phreng ba'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Shining Jewel Tantra (rin po che 'bar ba'i rgyud) - One of The Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Wisdom Knowledge Tantra (shes rab ye shes kyi rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Secret Ocean Tantra (gsang ba rgya mtsho'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Short Indirect Meditation Tantra (bsam gtan brgyud pa'i mdo rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

Single Meditation Tantra (bsam gtan gcig pu'i rgyud) - One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]