Constitutional Types

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Constitutional Types (rus khams)

  • The five constitutional types (rus khams lnga) are known in Tibetan by their original transliterated Chinese terms conjoined with the appropriate element: wood (keg shing), fire (ji me), earth (kung sa), iron (gshang lcags) and water ('u rus chen). One of their functions is vocalisation, in which context it is said that wood (keg shing) articulates velar or guttural sounds; fire (ji me) articulates dental sounds; earth (kungs sa) articulates nasal sounds, gathering air within the abdomen; iron (gshang lcags) articulates vocalic sounds; while water ('u chur) articulates labial sounds. It is important for the diviner to ascertain which years among those of the twelve year cycle are significant in the case of a specific constitutional type since each constitutional type is considered to have its years of greater penalty (chad chen gyi lo), and lesser penalty (chad chung gi lo), as well as those forming identity or destiny relationships (dbang lo), mother relationships (ma lo), son relationships (bu lo), friend relationships (grogs lo) and enemy relationships (dgra lo). In addition each type is also recognised to have a specific planet of destiny (dbang gza') and a specific constellation of destiny (dbang skar), Tables indicating the correspondence of these years, planets and constellations to different constitutional types are included in Part II, pp. 000-000. GD (from the Glossary to Tibetan Elemental Divination Paintings)