discipline explained
The Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo root text says:
With the intention of renouncing, a thoroughly delighted frame of mind,
Constrain yourself from committing the negative misdeeds of your three doors.
Practice as much as you can the conditioned and unconditioned virtues,
And motivate yourself to carry out all your deeds for the sake of sentient beings.
The essence of discipline is to possess the four qualities comprised of taking and observing, to keep the intention of renouncing personal defects, and to have a frame of mind which is thoroughly delighted and interested in these trainings while retaining the attitude of seeking deliverance.
These trainings can be divided into three: the discipline of exercising self-control, of cultivating virtuous qualities, and of acting for the welfare of sentient beings.
For the first, carefully observe the general seven types of Individual Liberation and the specific trainings of bodhisattva precepts which stem from the traditions of the Two Chariots and thus henceforth to constrain yourself from committing the misdeeds of your three doors by interrupting negative conduct.
For the second, practice as much as you can the conditioned virtues which are not embraced by discriminating knowledge and which are chiefly connected with actions of body and speech, as well as the unconditioned virtues which are embraced by discriminating knowledge and are chiefly connected with the samadhi of mind.
For the third, although the Bodhisattva Bhumi has taught eleven types, such as helping in meaningful actions and so forth, in short, motivate yourself with the superior intention to carry out all your deeds, whatever you do with your three doors, exclusively for the sake of other sentient beings. Then actually engage as much as you can in activities which are of benefit to others. (The Light of Wisdom, Vol. 1, pgs. 123-124). (RY)