Kenchen Lungrig Gyatso
mkhan chen lung rigs rgya mtsho (16th cent.)
He was one of Jetsün Kunga Drölchog's closest disciples and instrumental in the finding of his incarnation, the Jonang Jetsün Tāranātha. Lungrig Gyatso studied extensively at the famous Sakya monastery of Serdogchen (gser mdog can), the seat of the great Shakya Chogden (1428-1507). From Kunga Drölchog he received the full transmission of the Kalacakra tantra and its commentaries, Kalacakra empowerment and full explanations of the Six Vajra Yogas of the Kalacakra system. He was closely involved in Tāranātha's enthronement at Jonang monastery and then continued to pass on to him all the transmissions and teachings he had received from Tāranātha's predecessor. Not long after having completed this task he apparently passed away.