excite, incite into action, SA skul ba, encouraged [JV]
[p skul ba encouraged, invoked, exhorted, urged * [p and [f skul ba encouragement, invocation, exhortation, urging [admonition, arousing, incitation, requesting, admonishment, propelled, impel, exhort, remind, request; 1) of the yan lag bdun pa 7 fold service/ practices [IW]
[p and [f skul ba encouragement, invocation, exhortation, urging [admonition, arousing, incitation, requesting, admonishment, propelled, impel, exhort, remind, request (one of the yan lag bdun pa seven fold service/practices) [IW]
see bskul ba [RY]
activate, excite, incite into action, SA skul ba, encouraged [JV]
1) invoke, summon, conjure; 2) incite, arouse, motivate, activate; 3) encourage, exhort, urge; 4) request, plea, petition [Erick Tsiknopoulos]