dpal ldan lha mo dud gsol ma

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dpal ldan lha mo dud gsol ma / dud sol maDhūmavatī. Marpa's protector. (yum of mgon po phyag bzhi pa). [cjf]

a form of Shridevi, very popular in the 'brug pa bka' brgyud school [tsd]

A form of dPal ldan Lha mo (Skt. Śrī Devī). This particular form was the main protector of Marpa Lotsawa. Her name, Dud-gsol-ma in Tibetan, Dhūmavatī in Sanskrit, means 'Smoke Eater' or 'Smoke Consuming Mother'. She is also known simply as dud gsol ma, sometimes spelled dud sol ma. [Erick Tsiknopoulos]

See also: dpal ldan lha mo.