rnam smin
maturity, the result of former actions, what is going to mature, maturation, effects of maturation, residues, fully ripened, fullness of one's sin, ripening of actions, karmically produced, production of karma, inevitable consequence, karmic ripening, its ripening [JV]
rnam par smin pa (inevitable) consequence; full/ complete maturation/ ripening (of karma) [RB]
later; fully ripened (karma); by striving, full ripening [of actions]. ripening of the nature of karma-result, karma result, karmic ripening, [moment of] maturation. inherited, result of past karma, total ripening, ripening [RY]
karmic retribution, karmic reprisals; rnam smin la mi 'dzem pa the slightest concern for karmic retribution [RY]
by striving, full ripening [of actions]/ [nature of], karmic ripening/ result, [of past bad karma, 1 of the three occurrences] [IW]
by striving, full ripening [of actions] ripening of the nature of karma-result, karma result, karmic ripening, [moment of] maturation inherited, Notes as a result of past bad karma, total ripening, ripening, as 1 of the three occurrences, rnam par smin pa [IW]
[karmic] effect [ggd] [RY]
1) ripened effects, ripened results, ripened retributions, ripened maturation, ripened reprisals; 2) karmic effects, karmic results, karmic retributions, karmic maturation, karmic reprisals; 3) (fully) ripened karmic effects, (fully) ripened karmic results, (fully) ripened karmic retributions, (fully) ripened karmic maturation, (fully) ripened karmic reprisals. Short form of rnam par smin pa. [Erick Tsiknopoulos]