chos dbyings klong

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The Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena ISBN 1-881847-32-2 and it's 'companion volume' which is Longchenpa's commentary, A Treasure Trove of Scriptural Transmission ISBN 1-881847-30-6. - (RB)

the Precious Treasury of Dharmadhatu [one of the klong chen mdzod bdun relying on the dgongs pa rtsal of the Longde, Space Collection, presenting the ground, path and fruition of dzogchen, ati, in root verses and commentary w 13 ch. in the 14th century by the Nyingma master Longchenpa Dharmadhaturatnakosha] [IW]

the Precious Treasury of Dharmadhatu [IW]

The Dharmadhatu Kosha, the Treasury of Dharmadhatu, by Longchenpa. One of the mdzod bdun Seven Treasuries [RY]