kṛtya, (1) (5118)

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kṛtya, (1)
Entry 5118, Page 190, Col. 2
(kftya, kftya)
kṛtya, (1)¦ m., a kind of demon (cf. Skt. kṛtyā, of which this may be a masc. correspondent created for the nonce, in this passage which is a list of masc. evil spirits): SP 401.5--6 kṛtyo vā vetāḍo vā…(6) yakṣakṛtyo vāmanu- ṣyakṛtyo vā manuṣyakṛtyo vā; (2) nt., or at end of adj. cpds., business etc., in some cases apparently transcending normal Skt. usage; bhakta-kṛtya (= Pali bhatta-kicca), lit. business of food, so a meal: Divy 185.22 °tyaṃ kartum ārabdhaḥ; āhāra-kṛtya, id., Divy 82.26 nānenāhāreṇāhāra- kṛtyaṃ kariṣyati, he will not make his meal(s) on this food, i.e. live on this alone; Divy 236.6, text āhāraṃ (read °ra-?) kṛtyaṃ kuru, get your sustenance; acc. to Senart, note on Mv i.349.18 (p. 622), used like the Pkt. quasi- suffix -kera(ka) as substantial equivalent of gen. case- ending (Pkt. -kera is to be derived from Skt. kārya with Pischel 176; see -keraka); Senart's Index further inter- prets -kṛtye ii.97.13 as ‘periphrasis for instrumental’, but this is certainly wrong, since there gītakṛtye pramattā jaladardarake ca clearly means careless in their occupation with singing and the (musical instrument) jaladardaraka; the cases where -kṛtya is alleged to be a ‘periphrasis for the gen.’ are also, in some cases, doubtful; in Mv i.349.18 and 350.1 Senart rāja-kṛtyā kośāto, supposedly = from the king's treasury, but the mss. read rāja-kṛto or (v.l. in 349.18) °kṛtāto, and the latter, at least, could be inter- preted (the treasury made by the king); ii.95.4 rājakṛtyato (abl.; v.l. °tāṃ) odhṛtabhāro, having laid down the burden of (lit. from, away from) royal duty; in ii.446.14 rājakṛtye siṃhāsane rājeti kṛtva (°tvä?) upaviśāpito, he (who was actually not the king) was caused to sit upon the throne which was appropriate (really belonged) to the king; ii.478.10 rājakṛtye (v.l. °kṛte) mahānase, and 12 rājakṛtyehi sūpehi, as in prec.; Senart's interpretation may however be substantially correct in the last three, and in ii.113.9 rājakṛtyaṃ udyānaṃ, the park that belonged to the king. Since Skt. kṛtya is in fact a synonym of kārya in some of its uses, the comparison with Pkt. -kera(ka), from Skt. kārya, is apposite. But the two alleged parallels from LV cited by Senart in his note, above, are not sound; one rests on a false reading of the Calcutta ed., and the other is to be interpreted otherwise. (3) -kṛtya, -kṛtyaṃ, = -kṛtvā for Skt. -kṛtvas, q.v.


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