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English Oh! the inhabitants of the world being taken up by mutual disputes and quarrels have become injurious to and envious of each other: thus (Tathagata reflects) when looking at them
Chinese 嘆居斯世互相爭鬪悉皆執捉與起害心爭競瞋恚進入觀察,世間有情所共集會互相諍訟起貪瞋等一切過失如來觀已,一切世間眾生常共瞋嫌諍鬪
Sanskrit (dev) अन्योन्यविवादसंगृहीतो वतायं लोकसंनिवेशो व्यपादखिलद्वेषप्रतिपन्न इति संपश्यन्
Sanskrit (translit) anyonya-vivāda-saṃgṛhīto vatāyaṃ loka-saṃniveśo vya-pāda-khila-dveṣa-pratipanna iti saṃpaśyan
Sanskrit (Tibetanized) ཨ་ནྱོནྱ་བི་བཱ་ད་སཾ་གྲྀ་ཧི་ཏོ་བ་ཏཱ་ཡཾ་ལོ་ཀ་སནྣི་བེ་ཤོ་བྱཱ་པཱ་ད་ཁི་ལ་དྭེ་ཥ་པྲ་ཏི་པནྣ་ཨི་ཏི་སཾ་པ་ཤྱཏ྄།

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