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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie thun mong ma yon pa'i dbang phyug gi yon tan brgyad
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition The eight uncommon features of glory; the eight qualities or siddhis uncommon to Tathagatas.\n1){skya'i yon tan/} quality of body\n2){gsung gi yon tan/} quality of speech\n3){thugs kyi yon tan/} quality of mind\n4){'phrul las gyi yon tan/} quality of virtuous energy.\n5){rdzu 'phrul gyi yon tan/} quality of miracles\n6){kun tu 'gro ba'i yon tan/} quality of universal appearance\n7){gnas kyi yon tan/} quality of abode\n8){ci 'dod kyi yon tan/} quality of wish-fulfillment.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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