
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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Present: 'phrog KYT, TD, LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC. dphrog CD (Rdo 46).
Past: phrogs KYT, ND, DS, TC. phrog TD, LZ, CD (Rdo 46), DK.
Future: dphrog KYT, CD. 'phrog CD (Rdo 46). dbrog TD, LZ, ND, DK, DS.
Imperative: phrog (Zeisler 2004: 349).phrogs KYT, TD, LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Voluntary: KYT, TD, CD, ND, DS, TC, (Hoshi 2003).
Transitive: DS, TC.
Syntax: [Erg. Abs.] (Hackett 2003).
Characteristic Example: gzhan gyi nor sogs TD. gzhan nor sogs LZ. rgyu nor ND.
Meaning: To rob, run away with, to deprive of CD. To rub, to snatch, to grab, to attract DK. 1. For someone to take something by force which had not been given. 2. To take by force for oneself. 3. To bring to mind DS. To take, assemble by force TC.


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