
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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Present: snyems LZ, CD, DK, TC. snyem ND, DS.
Past: bsnyems LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Future: bsnyem LZ, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Imperative: snyems LZ, ND, DK, DS. - TC.
Voluntary: ND, DS. Involuntary: TC.
Transitive: DS. Intransitive: TC.
Characteristic Example: sgeg nyams kyi LZ. don la mnga' nga rgyal NDA. don la mnga' dang brgyal NDB.
Meaning: To be proud, arrogant, to boast CD. To cause to be haughty, self satisfied, to cause to be come proud DK. To demonstrate the characteristic of haughtiness, pride DS. To be proud, to be arrogant TC.


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