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Lotsawa Workbench The Lotsawa Workbench is an initiative of the Tsadra Foundation research department. Currently, this is just a test and we welcome any comments and suggestions. We hope to invite collaboration from users and stakeholders from Dharma groups as well as academia. Please contact us if you are interested in developing this project with us: research AT tsadra DOT org.

rnam shes
Page Wylie Other Names BDRC TOL
'ba' ra ba ngag dbang ye shes 'ba' ra ba ngag dbang ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;ngag dbang ye shes;; |; |@@@

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'bri gung spyan snga shes rab 'byung gnas 'bri gung spyan snga shes rab 'byung gnas

    {{#arraymap:;spyan snga shes rab 'byung gnas; 'bri gung dbon shes rab 'byung gnas; 'bri gung gling pa; dbon shes rab 'byung gnas;; |; |@@@

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  • | }}
'bro lo tsA ba shes rab grags pa 'bro lo tsA ba shes rab grags pa

    {{#arraymap:;'bro shes rab grags pa;; |; |@@@

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  • | }}
'brog mi dpal gyi ye shes 'brog mi dpal gyi ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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'brog mi lo tsA ba 'brog mi lo tsA ba

    {{#arraymap:;shAkya ye shes; spang mkhar mu gu lung pa;;; |; |@@@

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'chad kha ba 'chad kha ba

    {{#arraymap:;'chad kha ba ye shes rdo rje; 'chad ka ba; 'chad ka ba ye shes rdo rje;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
'gyur med 'phrin las rnam rgyal 'gyur med 'phrin las rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;smin gling khri chen lnga pa;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
'jam dbyangs mgon po 'jam dbyangs mgon po

    {{#arraymap:;chos rje 'jam dbyangs mgon po; shes rab 'byung gnas;Prajñāsambhava; |; |@@@

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'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros

    {{#arraymap:;rdzong gsar mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros; 'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros; pad+ma ye shes rdo rje; 'jam dbyangs blo gros rgya mtsho;; |; |@@@

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'jigs med grags pa phyogs las rnam rgyal 'jigs med grags pa phyogs las rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Ban rgan bstan 'dzin rnam dag ban rgan bstan 'dzin rnam dag

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Bde ba can pa ye shes mgon po bde ba can pa ye shes mgon po

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Blo bzang ye shes bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho blo bzang ye shes bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Bo dong paN chen phyogs las rnam rgyal bo dong paN chen phyogs las rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;'jigs med grags pa; g.yung drung sangs rgyas skyid; gzhung lugs 'bum phrag brgya pa; 'bum phrag brgya pa; chos kyi rgyal mtshan; gsang ba byin; dbyangs can dga' ba;; |; |@@@

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  • | }}
Bshes gnyen rnam rgyal bshes gnyen rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;lha mthong lo tsA ba bshes gnyen rnam rgyal;Lhatong Lotsāwa Shenyen Namgyel; |; |@@@

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Btsan kha bo che btsan kha bo che

    {{#arraymap:;dri med shes rab;; |; |@@@

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Bya khyung pa ngag dbang pad+ma rnam rgyal bya khyung pa ngag dbang pad+ma rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Dechen Chökor Yongdzin, 4th 'jam dpal dpa' bo

    {{#arraymap:;mi pham 'jam dpal dpa' bo; ye shes snang ba'i gter; 'jam dpal dga' ba'i bshes gnyen;;; |; |@@@

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Dol po pa dol po pa shes rab rgyal mtshan

    {{#arraymap:;shes rab rgyal mtshan; shes rab mgon; rton pa bzhi ldan;;; |; |@@@

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Dpal ye shes snying po

    {{#arraymap:;dpal ye shes snying po; Janagarbha;; |; |@@@

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Drikung Chungtsang, 1st chos kyi grags pa

    {{#arraymap:;'bri gung rig 'dzin chos kyi grags pa; 'bri gung pa chos kyi grags pa; rig 'dzin chos kyi grags pa; kun mkhyen rig 'dzin chos grags; rdo rje 'dzin pa chos kyi grags pa; shAkya'i dge slong chos kyi grags pa; dus mtha'i sngags 'chang chos kyi grags pa; dkon mchog phun tshogs; chos kyi grags pa phrin las rnam par rgyal ba'i sde; thugs kyi rdo rje; che mchog 'dus pa rtsal; pad+ma ba dz+ra rtsal; dbur smyon; rtag pa'i rdo rje; 'bri gung pa gshin rje'i gshed kyi rnal 'byor pa rig 'dzin chos kyi grags pa;; |; |@@@

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Drukchen, 1st 'gro mgon gtsang pa rgya ras

    {{#arraymap:;gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje; rgya ras ye shes rdo rje; shes rab bdud rtsi 'khor lo;;; |; |@@@

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Drukchen, 4th pad+ma dkar po

    {{#arraymap:;kun mkhyen pad+ma dkar po; ngag dbang nor bu; kun dga' rnam rgyal nor bu; mi pham pad+ma dkar po phyogs las rnam par rgyal ba'i sde; blo gsal dbang po;; |; |@@@

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Dudjom Rinpoche bdud 'joms 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje

    {{#arraymap:gter chen 'gro 'dul gling pa;bdud 'joms rin po che; 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje;Dudjom Rinpoche; |; |@@@

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Dwags po bkra shis rnam rgyal dwags po bkra shis rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;sgam po pa bkra shis rnam rgyal; dwags po paN chen bkra shis rnam rgyal; sgam po pa paN chen bkra shis rnam rgyal;Takpo Tashi Namgyal; Gampopa Tashi Namgyal; Tashi Namgyal; Dakpo Panchen Tashi Namgyal; Dakpo Paṇchen Tashi Namgyal; Gampo Panchen Tashi Namgyal; Gampo Paṇchen Tashi Namgyal; |; |@@@

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Dzogchen Drubwang, 4th mi 'gyur nam mkha'i rdo rje

    {{#arraymap:;rdzogs chen grub dbang bzhi pa; mi 'gyur nam mkha'i rdo rje tshe dbang grub pa rtsal; 'jigs med mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug phrin las rnam rgyal rdo rje;; |; |@@@

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Gnubs ban bstan 'dzin ye shes lhun grub gnubs ban bstan 'dzin ye shes lhun grub

    {{#arraymap:;lcags zam sprul sku;; |; |@@@

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Gnubs chen sangs rgyas ye shes gnubs chen sangs rgyas ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Gnyags dz+nyA na ku mA ra gnyags dz+nyA na ku mA ra

    {{#arraymap:;ye shes gzhon nu; gnyags lo tsA ba;; |; |@@@

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Goshir Gyaltsab, 2nd bkra shis rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;go shrI rgyal tshab gnyis pa; mtshur phu rgyal tshab gnyis pa;Goshir Gyaltsab, 2nd; |; |@@@

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Goshir Gyaltsab, 9th ye shes bzang po

    {{#arraymap:;go shrI rgyal tshab dgu pa; mtshur phu rgyal tshab dgu pa; grags pa ye shes;Goshir Gyaltsab, 9th; |; |@@@

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Grwa pa mngon shes grwa pa mngon shes

    {{#arraymap:;dbang phyug 'bar;; |; |@@@

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KaM ye shes rgyal mtshan kaM ye shes rgyal mtshan

    {{#arraymap:;kaM ston ye shes rgyal mtshan; skam ye shes rgyal mtshan;;; |; |@@@

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Karma phrin las pa karma phrin las pa

    {{#arraymap:;karma 'phrin las pa; dwags po phyogs las rnam rgyal;; |; |@@@

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Karmapa, 11th ye shes rdo rje

    {{#arraymap:;karma pa bcu gcig pa;Karmapa, 11th; |; |@@@

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Kun bzang rnam rgyal kun bzang rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;dzaH ka mchog sprul gnyis pa;; |; |@@@

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Kun dga' ye shes rgya mtsho Kun dga' ye shes rgya mtsho

    {{#arraymap:;Rgyal tshab ye shes rgya mtsho; Rje drung ye shes rgya mtsho;; |; |@@@

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Lcang skya rol pa'i rdo rje Lcang skya rol pa'i rdo rje

    {{#arraymap:;ye shes bstan pa'i sgron me, lcang skya;Changkya 03 Rolpai Dorje; Changkya Yeshe Tenpai Dronme; Rolpai Dorje; |; |@@@

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Lce sgom pa shes rab rdo rje lce sgom pa shes rab rdo rje

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Lha sras dam 'dzin mu rub btsan po lha sras dam 'dzin mu rub btsan po

    {{#arraymap:;ye shes rol pa rtsal; lha sras lo tsA ba;; |; |@@@

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Mdo mkhyen brtse mdo mkhyen brtse

    {{#arraymap:;ye shes rdo rje; mdo mkhyen brtse ye shes rdo rje; 'ja' lus rdo rje; dpal ri mkhyen brtse ye shes rdo rje;; |; |@@@

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Mi 'gyur dpal sgron mi 'gyur dpal sgron

    {{#arraymap:;smin gling rje btsun mi 'gyur dpal sgron; shes rab sgrol ma;; |; |@@@

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Mi nyag bla ma ye shes rdo rje mi nyag bla ma ye shes rdo rje

    {{#arraymap:;ye shes rdo rje dpal bzang po;;Yeshé Dorje; Yeshé Dorje Bal Sangpo; |; |@@@

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Mi pham phun tshogs shes rab mi pham phun tshogs shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;stag rtse sku skye mi pham phun tshogs shes rab;; |; |@@@

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Mi pham rgya mtsho mi pham rgya mtsho

    {{#arraymap:;mi pham 'jam dbyangs rnam rgyal rgya mtsho; 'jam dpal dgyes pa'i rdo rje; 'ju mi pham;mipham;; |; |@@@

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Mkhan po gang shar Mkhan po gang shar

    {{#arraymap:;gang shar dbang po; gang shar dbang po 'jigs med phyogs las rnam rgyal;Khenpo Gangshar; Khenpo Gangshar Wangpo; Khenpo Gangshar Rangdrol Wangpo; |; |@@@

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Mtsho sna ba shes rab bzang po mtsho sna ba shes rab bzang po

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Nyang bran pa chos kyi ye shes nyang bran pa chos kyi ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;nyang bran chos kyi seng+ge;; |; |@@@

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O rgyan ngag dbang ye shes o rgyan ngag dbang ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;'ba' ra ba ngag dbang ye shes;; |; |@@@

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Pad+ma rnam rgyal Pad+ma rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;zur mang mkhan po pad+ma rnam rgyal; |; |@@@

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Pad+ma ye shes pad+ma ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Phyogs las rnam rgyal phyogs las rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;jo nang mkhan chen phyogs las rnam rgyal; mnga' ris pa phyogs las rnam rgyal;; |; |@@@

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Rdo ring kun spangs chen po rdo ring kun spangs chen po

    {{#arraymap:;kun bzang chos kyi nyi ma; blo ldan shes rab rgyal mtshan;;; |; |@@@

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Rig 'dzin kun bzang shes rab rig 'dzin kun bzang shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Rin chen rnam rgyal rin chen rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;rgyal sras rin chen rnam rgyal; smin gling khri chen gsum pa; rat+na bi dza ya;; |; |@@@

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Rma sgom chos kyi shes rab rma sgom chos kyi shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Rngog blo ldan shes rab rngog blo ldan shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;rngog lo tsA ba; lo chen blo ldan shes rab; blo ldan shes rab;;Ngok Lotsāwa; Ngok Loden Sherab; Lochen Loden Sherab; Loden Sherab; |; |@@@

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Rngog legs pa'i shes rab rngog legs pa'i shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;rngog lo chung; rngog lo tsA ba legs pa'i shes rab;; |; |@@@

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Rog bande shes rab 'od rog ban+de shes rab 'od

    {{#arraymap:;rog ban shes rab 'od;; |; |@@@

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Rong ston shes bya kun rig rong ston shes bya kun rig

    {{#arraymap:;shAkya rgyal mtshan; smra ba'i seng+ge; shes bya kun gzigs; rong TI ka pa; shes rab 'od zer;Rongtön Shéja Günsi; Rongton Sheja Kunrig; |; |@@@

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  • | }}
Rta nag rin chen ye shes rta nag rin chen ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;rin chen ye shes; rta nag rin ye;; |; |@@@

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Sangs rgyas gnyan ston chos kyi shes rab sangs rgyas gnyan ston chos kyi shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;gnyan ston sbas pa'i rnal 'byor; ri gong pa chos kyi shes rab; gnyan ston d+harma pra dz+nyA;;; |; |@@@

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Sga rab 'byams pa kun dga' ye shes sga rab 'byams pa kun dga' ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;thar lam rab 'byams pa kun dga' ye shes;;; |; |@@@

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Sgra tshad pa rin chen rnam rgyal sgra tshad pa rin chen rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;sems dpa' chen po rin chen rnam rgyal; thugs sras lo tsA ba rin chen rnam rgyal; zhwa lu mkhan chen 01;Zhalu Khenchen, 1st; Dratsepa; |; |@@@

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Shamarpa, 2nd mkha' spyod dbang po

    {{#arraymap:;zhwa dmar gnyis pa mkha' spyod dbang po; ye shes dpal; mkha' spyod dri med dpal ye shes; mkha' spyod pa dri med dpal ye shes;Shamarpa, 2nd; |; |@@@

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Shamarpa, 3rd chos dpal ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;zhwa dmar gsum pa chos dpal ye shes;;Shamarpa, 3rd; |; |@@@

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Shamarpa, 4th chos grags ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;chos kyi grags pa ye shes; zhwa dmar bzhi pa chos grags ye shes; spyan snga ba chos kyi grags pa ye shes dpal bzang; chos kyi grags pa ye shes dpal bzang po;Shamarpa, 4th; |; |@@@

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Shamarpa, 7th ye shes snying po

    {{#arraymap:;zhwa dmar bdun pa; dpal ldan ye shes snying po; zhi ba sgra dbyangs kyi rgyal po;Shamarpa, 7th; |; |@@@

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Sog po dpal gyi ye shes sog po dpal gyi ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;sog po lha dpal;; |; |@@@

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Tai Situpa, 2nd bkra shis rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;ta'i si tu gnyis pa;Tai Situpa, 2nd; |; |@@@

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Bodong Paṇchen Chokle Namgyel (TOLID 4344) bo dong paN chen phyogs las rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;phyogs las rnam rgyal (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Jigme Drakpa (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); 'jigs med grags pa, bo dong paN chen (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); chos kyi rgyal mtshan, bo dong paN chen (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); g.yung drung sangs rgyas skyid (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); gsang ba byin (Secret Initiatory Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Chokyi Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Yungdrung Sanggyenyi (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Chogle Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Chegompa Sherab Dorje (TOLID 7373) lce sgom pa shes rab rdo rje

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab rdo rje (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); lce sgom (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Chegom (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Chekhawa Yeshe Dorje (TOLID 5791) chad kha ba ye shes rdo rje

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes rdo rje (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yeshe Dorje (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); mchad kha pa ye shes rdo rje (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); bya 'chad kha pa ye shes rdo rje (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Jache Khapa Yeshe Dorje (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Jaton Chekhawa Yeshe Dorje (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); bya ston 'chad kha ba ye shes rdo rje (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Chime Yeshe (TOLID 9589) chi med ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;Tubten Gelek Chokyi Nangwa (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); thub bstan dge legs chos kyi snang ba (Final Ordination Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Chokle Namgyel (TOLID 2812) phyogs las rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;Ngaripa Chogle Namgyel (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); jo nang mkhan chen 05 phyogs las rnam rgyal (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); mnga' ris pa phyogs las rnam rgyal (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Jonang Khenchen 05 Chogle Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Jonang Chokle Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); jo nang phyogs las rnam rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Chonam (TOLID 5121) chos rnam

    {{#arraymap:;;;Khenpo Chonam (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); rdzogs chen mkhan rabs 31 (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); mkhan po chos rnam (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Dakchen Sherab Gyeltsen (TOLID 3211) bdag chen shes rab rgyal mtshan

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab rgyal mtshan (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rgya gar ba shes rab rgyal mtshan (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); sa skya bdag chen shes rab rgyal mtshan (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rgya dkar shes rab rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gyakar Dakchen Sherab Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Gyakarwa Sherab Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sakya Dakchen Sherab Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sherab Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); bdag chen chos rje (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Dakchen Choje (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje (TOLID 9612) mdo mkhyen brtse ye shes rdo rje

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes rdo rje (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yeshe Dorje (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); 'ja' lus rdo rje (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dpal ri mkhyen brtse ye shes rdo rje (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); khrag 'thung las kyi dpa' bo (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Jalu Dorje (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Traktung Lekyi Pawo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Do Khyentse (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Dolpopa Sherab Gyeltsen (TOLID 2670) dol po pa shes rab rgyal mtshan

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab rgyal mtshan (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Tonpa Shidan (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); shes rab mgon (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rton pa bzhi ldan (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sherab Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sherab Gon (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Dolpopa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Dorje Sherab (TOLID 61)

    {{#arraymap:;;;Chennga Dorje Sherab (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); spyan snga rdo rje shes rab (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Doton Sherab Drakpa (TOLID 6491) rdo ston shes rab grags pa

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab grags pa (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); snar thang mkhan chen 02 shes rab grags pa (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sherab Drakpa (Title, Library of Congress, English); g.yas chen po shes rab grags (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gyechenpo Sherab Drak (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Drakpa Rinchen Sherab (TOLID 13069) grags pa rin chen shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Drakpa Sherab (TOLID 2577) grags pa shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;;;grags pa shes rab (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); snar thang mkhan chen 11 grags pa shes rab (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Zeu Drakpa Sherab (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Drapa Ngonshe (TOLID 7114) grwa pa mngon shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;gra pa mngon shes (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Drilungpa Tsultrim Sherab (TOLID 13089) bri lung pa tshul khrims shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Drokmi Pelgyi Yeshe (TOLID 11117) brog mi dpal gyi ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;Pelgyi Yeshe (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); dpal gyi ye shes (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Drokmi Śākya Yeshe (TOLID 5615) brog mi shAkya ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;shAkya ye shes (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Shakya Yeshe (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); 'brog mi lo tsA ba (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Drokmi Lotsāwa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Drubtob Namgyel Lhundrub (TOLID 13121) sgrub thob rnam rgyal lhun grub

    {{#arraymap:;;;pad tshal gling sprul sku 01 (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); pad tshal gling 01 (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Petsaling Tulku 01 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); First Petsaling Tulku 01 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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  • | }}
Drubtob Sengge Yeshe (TOLID 13436) seng+ge ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;seng+ge ye shes (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, ); Sengge Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Ga Rabjampa Kunga Yeshe (TOLID 1831) sga rab 'byams pa kun dga' ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;kun dga' ye shes (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); thar lam rab 'byams pa kun dga' ye shes (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Kunga Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Tarlam Rabjampa Kunga Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Gelek Namgyel (TOLID 5041) dge legs rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;Dzo Khenpo Gelek Namgyel (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); mdzo mkhan po dge legs rnam rgyal (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Gomchung Sherab Jangchub (TOLID 3165) sgom chung shes rab byang chub

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab byang chub (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dwags po sgom chung (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dwags po sgom chung shes rab byang chub (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Dakpo Gomchung (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Dakpo Gomchung Sherab Jangchub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sherab Jangchub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Gyurme Kunzang Namgyel (TOLID 9525) gyur med kun bzang rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;gyur med kun bzang rnam rgyal blo gsal rgya mtsho'i de (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gyurme Kunzang Namgyel Losel Gyatso De (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Gyurme Tekchok Tenpa Namgyel (TOLID 13228) gyur med theg mchog bstan pa rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;srib mda' rdzogs chen sprul sku 01 (Tulku Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Simda Dzogchen Tulku 03 (Tulku Title, Extended Wylie, ) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Jamyang Sherab Chokyi Nangwa (TOLID 8753) jam dbyangs shes rab chos kyi snang ba

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab chos kyi snang ba (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); gzi 'gags sprul sku 'jam dbyangs shes rab chos kyi snang ba (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dpal yul gzi 'gags sprul sku 'jam dbyangs shes rab chos kyi nyi ma (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Jamyang Sherab Chokyi Nangwa Lodro Gyatsoi De (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); 'jam dbyangs shes rab chos kyi snang ba blo gros rgya mtsho'i sde (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dpal yul gdan rabs 5 'jam dbyangs shes rab chos kyi snang ba (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rdzi 'gags sprul sku 'jam dbyangs shes rab chos kyi snang ba (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); gzi sprul 'jam dbyangs shes rab chos kyi snang ba (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Pelyul Dzigak Tulku Jamyang Sherab Chokyi Nyima (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Dzigak Tulku Jamyang Sherab Chokyi Nangway (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Dzitrul Jamyang Sherab Chokyi Nangwa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Jamyang Sherab Gyatso (TOLID 2866) jam dbyangs shes rab rgya mtsho

    {{#arraymap:;;;Ngor Khenchen 03 Jamyang Sherab Gyatso (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); shes rab rgya mtsho (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); ngor mkhan chen 03 'jam dbyangs shes rab rgya mtsho (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sherab Gyatso (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Jamyang Yeshe Rinchen (TOLID 4350) jam dbyangs ye shes rin chen

    {{#arraymap:;;;Ralung Denrab 10 Yeshe Rinchen (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); Yeshe Rinchen (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); ye shes rin chen (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rwa lung gdan rabs 10 ye shes rin chen (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Jangsem Gyelwa Yeshe (TOLID 2803) byang sems rgyal ba ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;rgyal ba ye shes (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); byang sems rgyal ba ye shes (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Jangsem Sherab Zangpo (TOLID 13078) byang sems shes rab bzang po

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab bzang po (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sherab Zangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Chamdo Trirab 01 Sherab Zangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); chab mdo khri rabs 01 shes rab bzang po (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Jedrung Sherab Wangpo (TOLID 8103) shes rab dbang po

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab dbang po (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rgyang shod pa shes rab dbang po (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); chab mdo khri rabs 10 shes rab dbang po (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gyangshopa Sherab Wangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Chamdo Trirab 10 Jedrung Sherab Wangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sherab Wangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Jigme Kundrol Namgyel (TOLID 13124) jigs med kun grol rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;Jangchub Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); byang chub rgyal mtshan (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); mon lha 'jigs med kun grol (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Monla Jigme Kundrol (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Jigme Kundrol Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); 'jigs med kun grol nam rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); mkhas grub 'jigs med kun grol (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Khedrub Jigme Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Jonub Dorje Yeshe (TOLID 11299) jo snubs rdo rje ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes rdo rje (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); gnubs rdo rje ye shes (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); snubs chos sgo rdo rje ye shes (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yeshe Dorje (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Nub Chogo Dorje Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Nub Dorje Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); chos sgo ba rdo rje ye shes (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Chogowa Dorje Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Dorje Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); rdo rje ye shes (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Khedrub Sherab Gyeltsen (TOLID 10202) mkhas grub shes rab rgyal mtshan

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab rgyal mtshan (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sherab Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Penpo Bu (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); phan po bu (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Khyungtsangpa Yeshe Lama (TOLID 8460) khyung tshang pa ye shes bla ma

    {{#arraymap:;;;Yeshe Lama (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); ye shes bla ma (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Konchok Yeshe Ozer (TOLID 5117) dkon mchog ye shes 'od zer

    {{#arraymap:;;;dkon mchog ye shes 'od zer (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); nor g.yang rin po che (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Noryang Rinpoche (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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  • | }}
Kunzang Trinle Namgyel (TOLID 13133) kun bzang 'phrin las rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;sgang steng 03 kun bzang 'phrin las rnam rgyal (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gangteng Tulku 03 Kunzang Trinle Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); pad gling rgyal sras 03 (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Peling Gyelse 03 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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  • | }}
Lhagyari Drale Namgyel (TOLID 13537) dgra las rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;lha dgra las rnam rgyal (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); e lha rgya ri khri thog 04 dgra las rnam rgyal (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Lha Drale Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Lhagyari Namgyel Gyatso (TOLID 276) rnam rgyal rgya mtsho

    {{#arraymap:;;;rnam rgyal rgya mtsho (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); e lha rgya ri'i khri thog 17 rnam rgyal rgya mtsho (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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  • | }}
Lhagyari Namgyel Wangchuk (TOLID 13561) lha rgya ri rnam rgyal dbang phyug

    {{#arraymap:;;;lha rnam rgyal dbang phyug (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, ); e lha rgya ri khri thog 18 rnam rgyal dbang phyug (Title, Extended Wylie, ) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Lobpon Yeshe Jangchub (TOLID 13448) slob dpon ye shes byang chub

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes byang chub (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yeshe Jangchub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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  • | }}
Lobzang Chokle Namgyel (TOLID 13103) blo bzang phyogs las rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;blo bzang phyogs las rnam rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Chamdo Trirab 24 Lobzang Chogle Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); chab mdo khri rabs 24 blo bzang phyogs las rnam rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Lobzang Chogle Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); dkon rdor 03 (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Kondor 03 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Lobzang Dogyu Yeshe (TOLID 13167) blo bzang mdo rgyud ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;blo bzang mdo rgyud ye shes bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Lobzang Dogyu Yeshe Tenpai Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
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Lobzang Jampel Tendzin Namgyel (TOLID 13104) blo bzang 'jam dpal bstan 'dzin rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;Lobzang Jampel Tendzin Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Kondor 04 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); blo bzang 'jam dpal bstan 'dzin rnam rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dkon rdor 04 (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Lobzang Jamyang Yeshe Tenpai Gyeltsen (TOLID 2784) blo bzang 'jam dbyangs ye shes bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yeshe Tenpai Gyeltsen (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Lobzang Lhundrub (TOLID 7182) blo bzang 'rnam rgyal bstan 'dzin lhun grub

    {{#arraymap:;;;blo bzang lhun grub (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dga' ldan khri chen 74 blo bzang lhun grub (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); cog tse ba blo bzang lhun grub (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dga' ldan khri pa 74 blo bzang lhun grub (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Ganden Trichen 74 Lobzang Lhundrub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Ganden Tripa 74 Lobzang Lhundrub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Choktsewa Lobzang Lhundrub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Lobzang Lhundrub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Jangtse Lobzang Lhundrub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); byang rtse blo bzang lhun grub (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Kyungro Lobzang Lhundrub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); khyung ro blo bzang lhun grub (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rgyal rong khri sprul 01 blo bzang lhun grub (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gyelrong Tritul 01 Lobzang Lhundrub (Personal Name |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Lobzang Namgyel Tendzin Lhundrub (TOLID 13105) blo bzang 'rnam rgyal bstan 'dzin lhun grub

    {{#arraymap:;;;Lobzang Namgyel Tendzin Lhundrub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Kondor 05 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Chamdo Trirab 30 Lobzang Namgyel Tendzin Lhundrub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); chab mdo khri rabs 30 blo bzang 'rnam rgyal bstan 'dzin lhun grub (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dkon rdor 05 (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Lobzang Puntsok Namgyel (TOLID 13107) blo bzang phun tshogs rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;blo bzang phun tshogs rnam rgyal (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rgya ra sprul sku 03 (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rgya ra 03 (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gyara 03 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Gyara Tulku 03 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Lobzang Puntsok Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Lobzang Tendzin Namgyel Trinle Dorje (TOLID 6332) blo bzang bstan 'dzin rnam rgyal 'phrin las rdo rje

    {{#arraymap:;;;blo bzang bstan 'dzin rnam rgyal 'phrin las rdo rje (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); co ne sa skyong 18 blo bzang bstan 'dzin rnam rgyal 'phrin las rdo rje (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Lobzang Trinle Namgyel (TOLID 13100) blo bzang 'phrin las rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Lobzang Yeshe (TOLID 2180) blo bzang ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;blo bzang ye shes (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); paN chen 05 blo bzang ye shes (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Lobzang Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Lobzang Yeshe Pelzangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); blo bzang ye shes dpal bzang po (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Paṇchen 05 Lobzang Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Lobzang Yeshe Tendzin Gyatso (TOLID 4309) blo bzang ye shes bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho

    {{#arraymap:;;;blo bzang ye shes bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); yongs 'dzin khri byang rdo rje 'chang (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); pad+ma gar dbang (Secret Initiatory Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Lobzang Yeshe Tendzin Gyatso (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Pema Garwang (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Yongdzin Trijang Dorje Chang (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Trijang 03 Lobzang Yeshe Tendzin Gyatso (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Lobzang Yeshe Tenpa Rabgye (TOLID 5349) blo bzang ye shes bstan pa rab rgyas

    {{#arraymap:;;;Reting Tenpa Rabgye (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); Lobzang Dargye (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); bstan pa rab rgyas (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rwa sgreng bstan pa rab rgyas (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Tenpa Rabgye (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); blo bzang dar rgyas (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Lobzang Tendar (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); blo bzang bstan dar (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Lodro Namgyel (TOLID 1869) blo gros rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;Lobzang Namgyel (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); mkhas grub blo gros rnam rgyal (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); blo bzang rnam rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Khedrub Lodro Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
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Marpa Sherab Yeshe (TOLID 3469) smar pa shes rab ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab ye shes (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); smar pa grub thob shes rab ye shes (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); smar pa grub thob shes rab seng ge (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sherab Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Marpa Drubtob Sherab Sengge (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Marpa Drubtob Sherab Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
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Namdrol Zangpo (TOLID 9923) rnam grol bzang po

    {{#arraymap:;;;mkhas sgrub chen po rnam grol bzang po (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Khedrubchenpo Namdrol Zangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Namgyel Drakpa Zangpo (TOLID 6278) rnam rgyal grags pa bzang po

    {{#arraymap:;;;Namgyel Dragzang (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); byang pa rig 'dzin chen po rnam rgyal grags pa bzang po (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); ta'i si tu rnam rgyal grags pa (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rnam rgyal grags bzang (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Tai Situ Namgyel Drakpa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Rikden Namgyel Drakzang (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); rigs ldan rnam rgyal grags bzang (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
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Namgyel Gonpo (TOLID 1639) rnam rgyal mgon po

    {{#arraymap:;;;Sechok Namgyel Gonpo (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); sras mchog rnam rgyal mgon po (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Namkha Gyeltsen (TOLID 13125) rnam mkha' rgyal mtshan

    {{#arraymap:;;;hum ral 01 (Title, Extended Wylie, ); Humral 01 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Dung Dung Namkha Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); drung drung rnam mkha' rgyal mtshan (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Namtrul Namkha Yeshe (TOLID 13135) rnam sprul nam mkha' ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;nam mkha' ye shes (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, ) |; |@@@

  • @@@
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Nanam Yeshe De (TOLID 10904) sna nam ye shes sde

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes sde (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); sna nam btsun pa ye shes sde (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); sna nam zhang (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Nanam Zhang (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Yeshe De (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); zhu chen lo tsā ba (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Zhuchen Lotsāwa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); sna nam zhang ye shes sde (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Nanam Zhang Yeshe De (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); zhang bande ye shes sde (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Zhang Bande Yeshe De (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Neuzurpa Yeshe Bar (TOLID 2591) sne'u zur pa ye shes 'bar

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes 'bar (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); sne'u zur pa (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yeshe Bar (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Neuzurpa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
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Ngawang Yeshe Tubten (TOLID 4302) ngag dbang ye shes thub bstan

    {{#arraymap:;;;rab 'byams pa ngag dbang blo bzang (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); blo bzang thub bstan (First Ordination Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); khu re mkhan chen ngag dbang ye shes thub bstan (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); ngag dbang thub bstan (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Lobzang Tubten (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Khure Khenchen Ngawang Yeshe Tubten (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Rabjampa Ngawang Lobzang (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Ngok Jo Tsultrim Sherab (TOLID 13061) rngog jo tshul khrims shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;;;gtsang tsha jo tshul (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); gtsang jo tshul khrims shes rab (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Tsangjo Tsultrim Sherab (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Tsangtsa Jotsul (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Ngok Jotsul (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); rngog jo tshul (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Ngok Lotsāwa Loden Sherab (TOLID 4261) rngog lo tsA ba blo ldan shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;;;blo ldan shes rab (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Lochen Loden Sherab (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); lo chen blo ldan shes rab (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Loden Sherab (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); rngog lo tsA ba (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Ngok Lotsāwa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Ngok Loden Sherab (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); rngog blo ldan shes rab (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Nubchen Sanggye Yeshe (TOLID 4626) gnubs chen sangs rgyas ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;sangs rgyas ye shes (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); gnubs sangs rgyas ye shes (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sanggye Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Nub Sanggye Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Nyamme Sherab Gyeltsen (TOLID 2980) mnyam med shes rab rgyal mtshan

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab rgyal mtshan (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sherab Gyeltsen (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
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Nyamme Śākya Yeshe (TOLID 11453) mnyam med shAkya ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;shAkya ye shes (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Shakya Yeshe (Title, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Orgyen Gelek Namgyel (TOLID 13146) o rgyan dge legs rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;sgang steng sprul sku 05 o rgyan dge legs rnam rgyal (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); pad gling rgyal sras 05 (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gangteng Tulku 05 Orgyen Gelek Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Peling Gyelse 05 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Pelchen Chokyi Yeshe (TOLID 5997) dpal chen chos kyi ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;Naktsangpa Pelchen Chokyi Yeshe (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); Pelchen Choye (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); nag tshang pa dpal chen chos kyi ye shes (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dpal chen chos ye (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Pema Kundrol Namgyel (TOLID 8578) pad+ma kun grol rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;pad+ma kun grol (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rdzogs chen pa dbon pad+ma kun grol (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Dzogcehnpa Won Pema Kundrol (Title, Library of Congress, English); Pema Kundrol (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Jewon Pema Kundrol Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); rje dbon pad+ma kun grol rnam rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'gyur med bstan pa rnam rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gyurme Tenpa Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Pema Sheja (TOLID 11488) pad+ma shes bya

    {{#arraymap:;;;rgyal rong mkhan po pad+ma shes bya (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gyelrong Khenpo Pema Sheja (Title, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Puntsok Namgyel (TOLID 6586) phun tshogs rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;Sumpa Zhabdrung Puntsok Namgyel (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); sum pa zhabs drung phun tshogs rnam rgyal (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dgon lung khri 27 phun tshogs rnam rgyal (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gonlung Tri 27 Puntsok Namgyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
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Rinchen Sherab (TOLID 6721) rin chen shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;;;Rok Zhikpo Rinchen Sherab (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); rog zhig po rin chen shes rab (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Rokam Nyima Sherab (TOLID 4175) ro skam nyi ma shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;;;nyi ma shes rab (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); ro skam mkhan rabs 01 nyi ma shes rab (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Nyima Sherab (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Rokam Khenrab 01 Nyima Sherab (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Rokben Sherab O (TOLID 6726) rog ban shes rab 'od

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab 'od (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rog shes rab 'od (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rgya mon (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Rok Bande (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Gyamon (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Rok Sherab O (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sherab O (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); rog ban de shes rab 'od (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Rok Bande Sherab O (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Rongton Sheja Kunrik (TOLID 6735) rong ston shes bya kun rig

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes bya kun rig (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Mawai Sengge (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); shAkya rgyal mtshan (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); smra ba'i seng+ge (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rong TI ka pa (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); shes bya kun gzigs (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sheja Kunrik (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Rong Tikapa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Shakya Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Sanggye Yeshe (TOLID 12521) sangs rgyas ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;Wensapa Sanggye Yeshe (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); mkhas grub sangs rgyas ye shes (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dben sa pa sangs rgyas ye shes (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); chos skyabs rdo rje (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Kedrub Sanggye Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Chokyab Dorje (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Sengge Sherab (TOLID 11942) seng+ge shes rab

    {{#arraymap:;;;Dorje Lingpa Sengge Sherab (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); rdo rje gling pa seng+ge shes rab (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'brug pa seng+ge shes rab (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Drukpa Sengge Sherab (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); rgyal sras seng ge shes rab (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gyelse Sengge Sherab (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Sharchen Yeshe Gyeltsen (TOLID 5408) shar chen ye shes rgyal mtshan

    {{#arraymap:;;;Sharchen Yeshe Gyeltsen (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); shar chen ye shes rgyal mtshan (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Namkha Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); nam mkha' rgyal mtshan (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yeshe Gyeltsen Pelzangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); ye shes rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Sheja Zangpo (TOLID 7718) shes bya bzang po

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes bya bzang po (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'jam dbyangs shes bya bzang po (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Shabto Jelungpa Khenchen Jampa Sheja Zangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Shabto Dzilungpa Khenchen Jampa Sheja Zangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); shab stod rje lung pa mkhan chen byams pa shes bya bzang po (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); shab stod rdzi lung pa mkhan chen byams pa shes bya bzang po (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Sherab Dar Lekpai Lodro (TOLID 6219) shes rab dar legs pa'i blo gros

    {{#arraymap:;;;Jamyang Legpai Lodro (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); 'jam dbyangs shes rab dar legs pa'i blo gros (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'jam dbyangs legs pa'i blo gros (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); khri 12 'jam dbyangs shes rab dar legs pa'i blo gros (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Jamyang Sherab Dar Lekpai Lodro (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Ganden Trichen 12 Lekpai Lodro (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Ganden Tripa 12 Lekpai Lodro (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); dga' ldan khri chen 12 legs pa'i blo gros (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dga' ldan tri pa 12 legs pa'i blo gros (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Trichen Sherab Dar Lekpai Lodro (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); khri chen shes rab dar legs pa'i blo gros (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Sherab Gyatso (TOLID 2495) shes rab rgya mtsho

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab rgya mtsho (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); a khu ching shes rab rgya mtsho (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); drung pa shes rab rgya mtsho (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Akhuching Sherab Gyatso (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Drungpa Sherab Gyatso (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sherab Gyatso (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Drungchen Sherab Gyatso (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); drung chen shes rab rgya mtsho (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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  • | }}
Sherab Gyatso (TOLID 4642) shes rab rgya mtsho

    {{#arraymap:;;;dge bshes shes rab rgya mtsho (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rdo sbis dge bshes shes rab rgya mtsho (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); klu 'bum dge bshes shes rab rgya mtsho (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Lubum Sherab Gyatso (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Dobi Geshe Sherab Gyatso (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Jampel Gyepai Lodro (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); 'jam dpal dgyes pa'i blo gros (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Geshe Sherab Gyatso (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); dpal ldan rdo rje bdud 'dul (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Pelden Dorje Dudul (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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  • | }}
Sherab Gyeltsen (TOLID 8343) shes rab rgyal mtshan

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab rgyal mtshan (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'brug rje mkhan po 25 shes rab rgyal mtshan (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'jam dpal shes rab rgyal mtshan (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'jam dbyangs shes rab rgyal mtshan (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Druk Je Khenpo 25 Sherab Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Jamyang Sherab Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Jampel Sherab Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Sherab Jungne (TOLID 4221) shes rab 'byung gnas

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab 'byung gnas (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); klu sdings shes rab 'byung gnas (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sharchen Sherab Jungne (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); shar chen shes rab 'byung gnas (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Luding Sherab Jungne (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); ngor mkhan chen 18 (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Ngor Khenchen 18 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Sherab Ozer (TOLID 8964) shes rab 'od zer

    {{#arraymap:;;;Trengpo Terton Sherab Ozer (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); 'phreng po gter ston shes rab 'od zer (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'gro 'dul gling pa (Terton Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); pra dz+nyA rasmri (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Drodul Lingpa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Prajñāraśmi (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); 'phreng po gter chen shes rab 'od zer (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Trengpo Terchen Sherab Ozer (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Sherab Peltsek (TOLID 6373) shes rab dpal brtsegs

    {{#arraymap:;;;Jedrung Sherab Peltsek (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); rje drung shes rab dpal brtsegs (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); cham mdo khri rab 04 shes rab dpal brtsegs (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); chamdo trirab 04 Sherab Peltsek (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Sherab Puntsok (TOLID 9750) shes rab phun tshogs

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab phun tshogs (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rgya ra ba shes rab phun tshogs (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); grub chen shes rab phun tshogs (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sherab Puntsok (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Gyara Sherab Puntsok (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Drubchen Sherab Puntsok (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Sherab Sengge (TOLID 3762) shes rab seng+ge

    {{#arraymap:;;;Nartangpa Sherab Sengge (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); rgyud smad shes rab seng+ge (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); snar thang pa shes rab seng+ge (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); mkhas grub shes rab seng+ge (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Khedrub Sherab Sengge (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Gyume Sherab Sengge (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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  • | }}
Sherab Sengge (TOLID 7918) shes rab seng+ge

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab seng+ge (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'brug rje mkhan po 16 (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'brug rje mkhan po 16 shes rab seng+ge (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Je Khenpo 16 Sherab Sengge (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Druj Je Khenpo 16 Sherab Sengge (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Sherab Tashi (TOLID 6635) shes rab bkra shis

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab bkra shis (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rtis tshang ma Ni pa shes rab bkra shis (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); khu chen shes rab bkra shis (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); ma Ni pa shes rab bkra shis (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Kuchen Sherab Tashi (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Maṇipa Sherab Tashi (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Titsang Maṇipa Sherab Tashi (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Sherab Zangpo (TOLID 4348) shes rab bzang po

    {{#arraymap:;;;Drukpa Sherab Zangpo (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); pradznya b+ha dra (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Sanskrit); 'brug pa shes rab bzang po (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); gsang bdag shes rab bzang po (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); spyan ras gzigs sprul sku shes rab bzang po (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sangdak Sherab Zangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Chenrezig Tulku Sherab Zangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Shākya Yeshe (TOLID 5795) shAkya ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;Jamchen Choje Shākya Yeshe (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); byams chen chos rje shAkya ye shes (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Smṛtijñānakīrti (TOLID 7326) dran pa'i ye shes grags pa

    {{#arraymap:;;;dran pa ye shes grags pa (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); smr ti jnyA na kIr ti (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Sanskrit) |; |@@@

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Sokpo Pelgyi Yeshe (TOLID 5281) sog po dpal gyi ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;sog po lha dpal (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sokpo Lhapel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); sog lha dpal gyi ye shes (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Sonyompa Sherab Pel (TOLID 13439) bsod snyoms pa shes rab dpal

    {{#arraymap:;;;dge slong bsod snyoms pa shes rab dpal (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, ); shes rab dpal (Title, Extended Wylie, ); Sherab Pel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Gelong Sonyompa Sherab Pel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Sumpa Khenpo Yeshe Peljor (TOLID 5729) sum pa mkhan po ye shes dpal 'byor

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes dpal 'byor (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yeshe Peljor (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); blo bzang chos skyong (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Lobzang Chokyong (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sumpa Yeshe Peljor (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); sum pa ye shes dpal 'jor (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Sumpa Yeshe Lodro (TOLID 6587) sum pa ye shes blo gros

    {{#arraymap:;;;Yeshe Lodro (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); sum pa ye shes blo gros (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Sumton Yeshe Zung (TOLID 5313) sum ston ye shes gzungs

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes gzungs (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yeshe Zung (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Taktsang Lotsāwa Sherab Rinchen (TOLID 10579) stag tshang lo tsA ba shes rab rin chen

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab rin chen (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); stag tshang lo tsA ba shes rab rin chen (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); sgra pa shes rab rin chen (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Taklo Mawai Nyima (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Konchok Kyab (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sherab Rinchen Gyeltsab Pelzangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Tsang Taktsang Lotsāwa Drapa Sherab Rinchen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Tashi Namgyel (TOLID 10898) bkra shis rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;bkra shis rnam rgyal (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); si tu 02 bkra shis rnam rgyal (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Tendzin Sizhi Namgyel (TOLID 13145) bstan 'dzin srid zhi rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;sgang steng sprul sku 04 bstan 'dzin srid zhi rnam rgyal (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); pad gling rgyal sras 04 (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Gangten Tulku Tendzin Sizhi Namgyel (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Peling Gyelse 04 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Tishri Repa Sherab Sengge (TOLID 7637) ti shri ras pa shes rab seng+ge

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab seng+ge (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'gro mgon ti shrI ras pa (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sherab Sengge (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); Drogon Tishri Repa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje (TOLID 11865) gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes rdo rje (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Drukchen 01 Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje (Title, Library of Congress, English); 'brug chen 1 gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'gro ba'i mgon po ye shes rdo rje (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); shes rab bdud rtsi 'khor lo (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rgya ras ye shes rdo rje (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Drowai Gonpo Yeshe Dorje (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Gyare Yeshe Dorje (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sherab Dutsi Dorje (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Yeshe Dorje (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Tsarong Dundul Namgyal (TOLID 13583) tsha rong bdud 'dul rnam rgyal/

    {{#arraymap:;;;tsha rong bdud 'dul rnam rgyal/ (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Dundul Namgyal Tsarong (Personal Name, Native, English); tsha rong/ (Family Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Tsenden Namgyel Kara (TOLID 13129) mtshan ldan rnam rgyal ka ra

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

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Tsonawa Sherab Zangpo (TOLID 2791) mtsho sna ba shes rab bzang po

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab bzang po (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sherab Zangpo (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Won Sherab Jungne (TOLID 2584) dbon shes rab 'byung gnas

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab 'byung gnas (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); spyan snga shes rab 'byung gnas (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'bri gung spyan snga shes rab 'byung gnas (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'bri gung dbon shes rab 'byung gnas (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'bri gung gling pa (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Drigung On Sherab Jungne (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Drigung Lingpa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sherab Jungne (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Chennga Sherab Jungne (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Yelpa Yeshe Tsek (TOLID 7636) yel pa ye shes brtsegs

    {{#arraymap:;;;sangs rgyas yel pa (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Sanggye Yelpa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); yel pa sangs rgyas sgom pa (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yelpa Sanggye Gompa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Yeshe Bumpa (TOLID 7152) ye shes 'bum pa

    {{#arraymap:;;;Katokpa Yeshe Bum (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); kaH thog pa ye shes 'bum (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dbu 'od ba ye shes 'bum pa (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); U-wod Yeshe Bum (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Yeshe Chopel (TOLID 4277) ye shes chos 'phel

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes chos 'phel (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dga' ldan khri pa 82 ye shes chos 'phel (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dar rtse mdo ba ye shes chos 'phel (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); stag phu yongs 'dzin ye shes chos 'phel (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dga' ldan khri chen 82 ye shes chos 'phel (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Ganden Trichen 82 Yeshe Chopel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Ganden Tripa 82 Yeshe Chopel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Takpu Yongdzin Yeshe Chopel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Dartsedowa Yeshe Chopel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Yeshe Chopel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Yeshe Dorje (TOLID 12234) ye shes rdo rje

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes rdo rje (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); kar+ma pa 11 ye shes rdo rje (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
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Yeshe Gyeltsen (TOLID 4028) ye shes rgyal mtshan

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes rgyal mtshan (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); slob dpon ye shes rgyal mtshan (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); kaH thog pa ye shes rgyal mtshan (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Katokpa Yeshe Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Khedrub Yeshe Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Lobpon Yeshe Gyeltsen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Buborwa Tang-gang Drungpa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Yeshe Kelzang (TOLID 2399) ye shes skal bzang

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes skal bzang (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); stag mtsher khri chen ye shes skal bzang (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); sku 'bum rgyud pa khri 22 ye shes skal bzang (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); sku 'bum khri 29 ye shes skal bzang (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Twenty-ninth Kumbum Tripa Yeshe Kelzang (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Kumbum Gyudpa Tripa 22 Yeshe Kelzang (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Taktser Trchen Yeshe Kelzang (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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Yeshe Lobzang Tenpai Gonpo (TOLID 5328) ye shes bstan pa'i mgon po

    {{#arraymap:;;;bstan pa'i mgon po (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); rta tshag 08 bstan pa'i mgon po (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); ye shes bstan pa'i mgon po (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); blo bzang bstan pa'i mgon po (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yeshe Tenpai Gonpo (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Lobzang Tenpai Gonpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Tenpai Gonpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Tatsak Kundeling Jedrung (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); rta tshag kun bde gling rje drung (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
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Yeshe Ngodrub (TOLID 8397) ye shes dngos grub

    {{#arraymap:;;;rig 'dzin rgya mtsho (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); zhabs drung gsung sprul 05 ye shes dngos grub (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'brug rje mkhan po 53 ye shes dngos grub (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Druk Je Khenpo 53 Yeshe Ngodrub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Zhabdrung Sungtrul 05 Yeshe Ngodrub (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Rigdzin Gyatso (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

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Yeshe Rinchen (TOLID 2280) ye shes rin chen

    {{#arraymap:;;;Tishri 04 Yeshe Rinchen (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); shar pa ye shes rin chen (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dus 'khor ba ye shes rin chen (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); ti shrI 04 ye shes rin chen (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Dukorwa Yeshe Rinchen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sharpa Yeshe Rinchen (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Yeshe Tardo (TOLID 2819) ye shes thar 'dod

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes thar 'dod (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dga' ldan khri pa 71 ye shes thar 'dod (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); kong po ye shes thar 'dod (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); shar rtse ye shes thar 'dod (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dga' ldan khri chen 71 ye shes thar 'dod (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Ganden Tripa 71 Yeshe Tardo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Ganden Trichen 71 Yeshe Tardo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Kongpo Yeshe Tardo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Shartse Yeshe Tardo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Yeshe Tardo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Yeshe Tendzin (TOLID 13574) ye shes bstan 'dzin

    {{#arraymap:;;;rtogs ldan ye shes bstan 'dzin (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, ); Tokden Yeshe Tendzin (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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  • | }}
Yeshe Tsogyel (TOLID 10373) ye shes mtsho rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;;;mkha' 'gro ye shes mtsho rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Khandro Yeshe Tsogyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); mkhar chen bza' mtsho rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); mkhar chen mtsho rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); jo mo mkhar chen mtsho rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); jo mo ye shes mtsho rgyal (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Jomo Kharchen Tsogyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Jomo Yeshe Tsogyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Kharchen Tsogyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Kharchen Za Tsogyel (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

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  • | }}
Yeshe Wangden (TOLID 9051) ye shes dbang ldan

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes dbang ldan (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dga' ldan khri chen 93 ye shes dbang ldan (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); mi nyag ye shes dbang ldan (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); mi nyag a ming (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); mi nyag khri sprul 01 ye shes dbang ldan (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); dga' ldan khri pa 93 ye shes dbang ldan (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Minyak Yeshe Wangden (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Minyak Aming (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Minyak Tritrul 01 Yeshe Wangden (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Trichen 93 (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Yeshe Yang (TOLID 9141) ye shes dbyangs

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes dbyangs (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); a tsar ye shes dbyangs (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); sba ye shes dbyangs (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); ye shes dbang po (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yeshe Wangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Atsar Yeshe Yang (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Ba Yeshe Yang (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Yeshe Zangpo (TOLID 4535) ye shes bzang po

    {{#arraymap:;;;dga' ldan tri pa 10 ye shes bzang po (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); khri 10 ye shes bzang po (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); ldan ma ye shes bzang po (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Ganden Tripa 10 Yeshe Zangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Ganden Trichen 10 Yeshe Zangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Denma Yeshe Zangpo (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Yonten Yeshe (TOLID 11462) yon tan ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;Tutob Yonten Yeshe (Primary Name, Library of Congress, English); mthu stobs yon tan ye shes (Primary Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Yungdrung Yeshe (TOLID 13222) g.yung drung ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;;Gyelrong Yungdrung Yeshe (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); rgyal rong g.yung drung ye shes (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Zarawa Kelden Yeshe Sengge (TOLID 6756) zwa ra ba skal ldan ye shes seng+ge

    {{#arraymap:;;;ye shes seng+ge (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Kelden Yeshe Sengge (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); skal ldan ye shes seng+ge (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); zangs ra skal ldan ye shes seng+ge (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); za ra ba skal ldan ye shes seng+ge (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Yeshe Sengge (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Zangra Kelden Yeshe Sengge (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Zurchung Sherab Drakpa (TOLID 4632) zur chung shes rab grags pa

    {{#arraymap:;;;shes rab grags pa (Primary Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Deshek Gyawo (Primary Title, Library of Congress, English); bde gshegs rgya bo (Personal Name, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); 'ug pa lung gdan rabs 02 shes rab grags pa (Title, Extended Wylie, Tibetan); Upelung Denrab 02 Sherab Drakpa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English); Sherab Drakpa (Personal Name, Library of Congress, English) |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Tsha sgang lo tsA ba rin chen rnam rgyal tsha sgang lo tsA ba rin chen rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;tsha ba lo tsA ba rin chen rnam rgyal; tsha ba bhan dhe karma rin chen rnam rgyal; karma rin chen rnam rgyal;;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Tshe mchog gling ye shes rgyal mtshan tshe mchog gling yongs 'dzin ye shes rgyal mtshan

    {{#arraymap:;dka' chen ye shes rgyal mtshan;yongs 'dzin ye shes rgyal mtshan;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Ye shes brtson 'grus Ye shes brtson 'grus

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Ye shes dbyangs ye shes dbyangs

    {{#arraymap:;a tsar ye shes dbyangs; sba mi ye shes dbyangs;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Ye shes dpal 'byor sum pa mkhan po ye shes dpal 'byor

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Ye shes mtsho rgyal ye shes mtsho rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;mkha' 'gro ye shes mtsho rgyal; mkhar chen bza';; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Ye shes sde ye shes sde

    {{#arraymap:;sna nam ye shes sde; zhang ban+de ye shes sde;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Yongs 'dzin rnam rgyal grags pa yongs 'dzin rnam rgyal grags pa

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Zhang rin chen ye shes zhang rin chen ye shes

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Zhang thang sag pa ye shes 'byung gnas zhang thang sag pa ye shes 'byung gnas

    {{#arraymap:;;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Zhe chen dbon sprul 'gyur med mthu stobs rnam rgyal zhe chen dbon sprul 'gyur med mthu stobs rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;zhe chen lo tsA ba mthu stobs;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Zhechen Gyaltsab, 4th zhe chen rgyal tshab 04 'gyur med pad+ma rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;o rgyan mi 'gyur kun bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}
Zur mang pad+ma rnam rgyal zur mang pad+ma rnam rgyal

    {{#arraymap:;zur mang mkhan po pad+ma rnam rgyal; pad+ma bi dza;;Surmang Padma Namgyal;; |; |@@@

  • @@@
  • | }}