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 Has improper value for"Has improper value for" is a predefined property that tracks input errors for irregular value annotations and is provided by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.Processing error message"Processing error message" is a predefined property containing a textual description of an error and is provided by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
Dictionaries/84000 Glossary, Sans­krit (Tibetan-Sanskrit)/11697WylieProperty "Wylie" (as page type) with input value "rab 'byor gal te khyod kyis byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po'i ngo mtshar rmad du byung ba'i chos shes na ni de'i phyir nyan thos dang / rang sangs rgyas thams cad kyis kyang byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po la lan du phan gdags par sla ba ma yin" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/84000 Glossary, Sans­krit (Tibetan-Sanskrit)/1607WylieProperty "Wylie" (as page type) with input value "'phags pa rtogs pa chen po yongs su rgyas pa'i mdo las/ phyag 'tshal ba'i cho ga dang / mtshan nas brjod pa'i yon tan gyi gling gzhi dang / dus gsum gyi de bzhin gshegs pa rnams kyi mtshan dang / mdo sde bcu gnyis dang / byang chub sems dpa' rnams kyi mtshan nas brjod cing phyag 'tshal ba dang / bshags pa'i le'u rnams 'byung ba nyi tshe bcos shing bsgyur ba" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/84000 Glossary, Sans­krit (Tibetan-Sanskrit)/3215WylieProperty "Wylie" (as page type) with input value "byams pa gzugs gang yin pa dang / tshor ba gang yin pa dang / 'du shes gang yin pa dang / 'du byed rnams gang yin pa dang / rnam par shes pa gang yin pa dang / sangs rgyas kyi chos rnams kyi bar gyi stong pa nyid gang yin pa dang / chos de dag dang stong pa nyid de'i dngos po dang dngos po med pa gnyis su med pa spros pa med pa gang yin pa de ni byams pa rnam par mi rtog pa'i mtshan nyid 'dus par blta'o" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/84000 Glossary, Sans­krit (Tibetan-Sanskrit)/6359WylieProperty "Wylie" (as page type) with input value "gdan sa chen po dpal ldan sde dge lhun grub steng gi rgyal khab chen po la bka' spyi dang bye brag gi dgongs pa ma lus pa rnam 'grel pa'i bstan bcos 'gyur ro 'tshal gyi chos sbyin rgyun mi chad pa'i phyi mo yongs su rdzogs par grub pa'i bsngo ba smon lam gyi tshigs su bcad pa gzhi lam 'bras bu'i dge legs yid bcugs mdza' bo 'gugs pa'i rgyang glu" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1021Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "微聚。佛书说欲界物质,由地、水、火、风形成色、香、味、触,其最初较小的实有单位,仅为慧力所能分析想象,名为微聚。微聚结合而成极微尘,从此连续递增七倍,依次成为微尘、金尘、水尘、兔尘、羊尘、牛尘,最后为日光尘,始为肉眼之所能见。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1040Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "十著衣聚。著衣恶作之第一类,由著裙所犯者七,裙上下边不齐不圆、裙太高过膝著。裙太下触髁骨、裙角太长如象鼻、脐上裙边翻下作多罗叶形、于腰缐中作豆团形、脐下伸出蛇头形。由著上衣所犯者三:上衣未圆整、太高著、过下著。此等著衣法皆犯恶作罪。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/108Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "集谛四相。四谛十六行相之一类。业及烦恼,生轮回苦,有如种子,是为因相;遍生三界五趋,有如田土集生稼穡,是为集相;业及烦恼猛利,便生众苦,有如互相系属,是为生相;业及烦恼于三界中现前成就苦蕴,如有水肥助生果实,是为缘相。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1118Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "善见城。见者称善,名善见城,别译喜见。 须弥山项帝释所都。每方二千五百由旬,周万由旬。官阙高耸一由旬半,黄金其质,状丽其形,宝柱六万。金垣周匝,高二由旬有半。四宝之桥引接四方。城中地基,百彩斑斓,随足起伏,曼陀罗花覆地没膝。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1185Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "歌音七品。古印度流行的六十四技艺之一类。谓六合、仙曲、绕地、中令、五合、奋志和近闻等七品歌唱的声乐。六合声如孔雀,所以表惊奇;仙曲声如黄牛,所以表神异;绕地声如山羊,所以表慈爱;中令声如鸿雁,所以表豪强;五合声如杜鹃,所以表欢娱;奋志声如骏马,所以表战阵;近闻声如巨象,所以表亲和。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/121Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "俗谛,世俗谛,覆真谛。二谛之一。佛家四派对此有不同的说法:有部师说,事物一经破灭或一经正常智慧分析、排除,便觉其不复存在者为俗谛,如粗分二取;经部师说,仅由臆测假设便觉其存在者为俗谛,如诸法共相;唯识师说,观察名言的内心所能察觉者为俗谛,如遍计所执和依他起;中观师说,直觉现量之內心与外境分别为二时所察觉的外境为俗谛,如现分缘起诸法。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1214Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "解制,解夏,恣举,随意。毗奈耶十七事中净戒三事之一。比丘在夏令安居时节,应当制止白念堕犯、惩治、分财及界外过夜等事,及至此日,即可解禁自恣,故名解 制。此分及时解制、非时解制和会众解制等三种。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1216Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "解制仪轨。自愿安居诸比丘众,预备解制,远在数目等之前,告众周知所去村落、整飭殿宇、启请三藏法师比丘,于十四日夜间讲法听法度时,是为远期加行;及十五日彼此互请谅恕之后,由所派执事,作启白羯磨,是为近期加行,随即执持茅草,行堕犯解制及財物解制,是为正行。及十六日,为令断绝故地留恋,始作遊方等。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1225Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "噶丹寺。格魯派前藏三大寺之一。在西藏自治区达孜县境拉萨河南岸旺古日山上。公元1409 明永乐七年已丑,宗喀巴•洛桑札巴所倡建,为藏传佛教格鲁派祖庙,旧时宗喀巴的法座继承人噶丹赤巴,即居此寺中。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1268Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "破僧和合,破法轮僧。分离僧伽、罪属五逆的挑拨离间之行。破僧之时,在释迦牟尼住世、佛教纯净无疵、二尊受命之時;破僧之地,僧众共处一界之内;能破之人,通晓异部宗轮;所破对境,是凡夫僧众;破僧方式,使众承许释迦牟尼以外如提婆达多者为师,承认佛说以外提婆达多所制五句为戒。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1279Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "大众部。小乘根本四部之一。佛灭后小乘分裂成十八部时,有多数僧众共同合成一派,名大众部。此派以巴利语诵经;以婆罗门迦叶所传弟子为亲教师;所著祖衣七至二十三幅,绣有吉祥结;比丘之名,以“智”或“密”字结尾;主张我与蕴异、頓见圣谛、证世第一法仍可退失及诸根不取外境等。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1333Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "成办沙弥仪轨。授沙弥戒所作加行、正行、结行次第。加行必须先已如仪、中间出家,为近事男;正行必须离四违缘,具五順緣、启白策励、皈依三宝:自白我名某甲成为沙弥,白他启請大德接引。三白之后,于结行时告知时刻,诵学处等。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1353Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "成办比丘仪轨,授比丘戒仪则。总須白四羯磨仪轨圆满,无有错乱,细则分为加行、正行、结行三段进行。加行须以第一乃至第九现前诸法为先;正行則依羯磨現前,完成后白,从僧伽众正授近圆;结行告知得戒时刻,依十一戒诵说学处,而后完成。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1357Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "成办比丘尼仪轨,授比丘尼戒仪则。身为受正学女律仪已满二年,曾持家者须十二岁,未持家者须二十岁。 在十二或六比丘尼僧伽会中,由女亲教师授三法衣掩腋衣,护乳坎肩等五衣装束,问遮难已,再授梵行近住律仪;然后加入尊证僧伽以及二众,以白四羯磨仪轨,正授近圆。结行之中,说教诫时,尚需增减八他胜罪、八重法等。其在西藏,自始即无正学女及成办比丘尼仪轨先例。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1364Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "成办正学女仪轨。对于尚待二年始得近圆之沙弥尼授予正学女律仪的仪则。受律仪者,若未持家,须满十八岁;若已持家,须满十岁。受戒处所,若系中土,须有十二名比丘尼,若在边地须有六名。经过白二羯磨,授予正学律仪。结行之中,说教诫时,宣说根本六法及随顺六法。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1375Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "意不变异。闭气四钉之一。通达法性清净、平等、大空之见。此见下在轮回位中,能清净心识习气;上在佛位之中,能于因位圆满佛意一切种智秘密不可思议之果:中在道位,能成熟乐无分别圆满次第。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1393Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "需要关联。著作物开头叙述的著书 需要和联系。书中所论述之义理为内容;理解内容成为实践经义之大道,是为需要,尽力实践逐步获得全知,是为需要之需要。如此,需要之需要联系于需要,需要联系于内容,内容义理前前联系于后后,斯为关联。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1428Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "三愉悦,三悅意。《毗奈耶经》所说自愿发露、忏悔之犯戒比丘还净三法中,行履别住愉悦之法。为求净治僧残堕罪,依白四羯磨,罚令犯戒比丘六日,比丘尼半月,为比丘大众专服劳役,此为愉悦。行履服愉悦期中,再犯同类残堕者,前劳无益,应令二次行履愉悦,此为重新愉悦,若犯三次,应令第三次行覆愉悦,比丘十八日、比丘尼四十五日,此为再重新愉悦。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1507Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "四去,四避去。《毗奈耶经》所说屏教师盘诘受戒者有无碍难时,应当回避引去的四种情况:爱好故去,谓受戒者与屏教师谊属亲友,虽有碍难,讳言不言;怖畏故去,谓屏教师畏受戒者,不敢直言:怨恨故去,谓屏教师与受戒者不和,顛倒妄言;无知故去,谓屏教师不能了解受戒者有无碍难。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1509Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "卓瓦桑姆。神话故事人物。传说门隅曼札冈地方一修行老翁的女儿卓瓦桑姆,被娶入王宫为妃,横遭恶妇嫉妒陷害,不得已飞往空行刹土,遗一子一女于人间,又被恶人多方谋害,幸免于死;后来其子长成,终于杀敌报仇。晚近盛行的藏剧《卓瓦桑姆》即根据此一故事演绎而成。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1515Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "二十行走聚。恶作罪之第二类有:二十条。谓未防护身语、未整齐著衣、 喧哗、眼高视、太远视过一轭木、以衣缠头、撩裙露形、抄衣至双肩,两手拊肩行、两手抱项后行、跳行、提步行、蹲行、举踵以趾行,两手叉腰行、摇身行、掉臂行、摇头行、比肩行和携手行。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/152Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "皮革事。《毗奈耶经》三种衣本事之一。律经中允许比丘着用皮革的特殊情況:中印度地方,为保护敷具,允许着皮履;于寺外俗人家,如无他种敷具,允许坐皮褥上,但不许卧下;于边鄙地方为御寒故,靴鞋敷具可用皮革;于极寒地方衣等允许随便服用。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1534Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《方广大庄严经》。别名《大游戏经》。共十八卷二十七章。由印度堪布姿纳迷扎等人和译师智军译为藏文,后又根据改革后的文字加以修订,载在如来三转法轮时所讲《宝积经》第二函。唐代地婆诃罗由梵译汉。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1545Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "七重标号。书面上使用的符号:字间标号,使拼写免于混淆;句读标号,使词句免于淆乱;章节标号,使文义免于淆乱;分卷标号,使頌偈免于淆乱;卷目标号,使书册免于淆乱;框线标号,使页面周边免于淆乱;名签标号或函头标号;使函卷免于淆乱。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1563Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "四王天,四天王天,四大王众天。六欲天之第一重天,或称药叉,居须弥山下海面上,自下而上,第一层为持盆药叉,第二层为持鬘药叉,第三层为常醉药叉,第四层为药叉大將,亦即持国天王、增长天王、广目天王和多闻天王等所谓 四大天王。总名四王天。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/160Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《佛说大悲空智金刚大教王经》。无上瑜伽部二品。包括较《喜金刚本续》广本七十万颂稍略的五十万颂和更略的《喜金刚本续王经》二书。印度论师伽耶达罗与西藏卓米译师由梵译藏,后由循努拜译师补译。宋代译师法护由梵译汉。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1608Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《王朝明鉴》。全名《王朝历史明鉴》。公元1488年萨迪记•瑣南坚贊著。书中首先概述情器世间形成、印度历代王朝、释迦牟尼出世、佛教兴起。然后详述西藏古代吐蕃历代王朝、佛教流传,直至亚隆地区王族世系等情况。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1641Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《续部・幻网经》。别名《续部・秘密藏》,全名《圣秘密藏真实性决定本续经》,即旧派密乘主要经典《金刚萨埵幻网经二十二品》。由印度译师无垢友,藏族译师涅・慧童及马・仁钦却等叁人由梵译藏。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1661Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "三常念。布萨仪轨之一。初為寺庙神主、神众举腔念经,為地祇等施食,向三宝例行礼忏;次為使天、人等众生听法,故讽诵《宣法经》中经文四偈,依敬礼、讽经、回向等种念头,讲听《戒行清凈经》。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1748Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《声明要领二卷》。热巴坚时代,印度班智达姿纳迷札、达那希拉和西藏译师香•智军等对旧译典籍进行了修订并厘定卷帙,同时就显密乘典籍如何译法,以及使声明和藏语两者相符易懂,根据厘定文字的敕命而撰写的一部声明学著作。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/180Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "龙树。大乘佛教开派祖师名,膽洲六严之一。佛灭后四百年项,生于南印度一婆罗门家。幼通密宗四续、显宗三藏等一切经典及道术之学,在那些烂陀寺依喜乐和大士出家,法名具德比丘,著《中观理聚六论》及《本续集论》等阐明如来教义之书甚多。在医学方面,有《寿世经颂》、《草药龙须根炮治法》、《珍宝药物次第》、《水银练治法·宝鬘论》、《疗毒四瘟疗法》等著述。及门弟子圣天等多如日光之尘。遍建塔寺于五印度,为圣地金刚座起网状围墙,为南印度米积寺设计结构等,世称其享年六百岁,但译密乘有说其寿逾千岁者。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1801Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "二十一度母:奋迅度母、威猛白度母、金颜度母、顶髻尊胜度母、吽音叱咤度母、胜三界度母、破敌度母、摧破魔军度母、供奉三宝度母、伏魔度母、解厄度母、烈焰度母、颦眉度母、救饥度母、大寂静度母、消疫度母、赐成就度母、消毒度母、消苦度母、明心吽音度母和震撼三界度母。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1910Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "离五择定。诸比丘、沙弥受持终身戒时,必须远离逆缘,即五择定。此在比丘,必须正离,在诸沙弥,须近似离:若以为于具此顺缘之处,则当守护,若于余处,则不守护,为处择定; 于某年月,则当守护,至余年月,则不能守,为时择定; 除斗诤劫,余皆能守,为生世择定;除怨敌外,不害他命,为有情择定; 除重戒外,余诸轻戒,则不能守,为支择定。离此五者,别解脱戒方得生起。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1956Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "世界五胜地,赡洲五圣地,南赡部洲五大佛教圣地:中央印度金刚座为释迦牟尼胜地;东方中国五台山为文殊菩萨胜地; 南方普陀洛伽山为观音菩萨胜地; 西方巴基斯坦乌仗那空行洲为莲花生胜地; 北方香拔拉为具种法王胜地。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1984Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "胎藏五位,胎内五位。人身在母胎内发育过程五阶级。关于五位名称,梵文《药叉王请问经》和《入胎经》等藏译各不相同,梵音依次译为羯罗蓝、遏部昙、闭尸、键南和钵罗奢法; 汉义依次译为凝酪、膜疱、血肉、坚肉、支节等五位。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/2004Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "对法七论,发智论与六足论。说一切有部的七种根本论著。以迦多𧗠尼子著《发智论》为总为身; 以世友著《品类论》、天寂著《识身论》、舍利子著《法蕴论》、目犍连子著《施设论》、拘瑟耻罗著《集异门论》、满慈子著《界身论》等六轮为支为足。故后六伦亦分别名为《品类足论》乃至《界身足论》。七论著者,称为七阿罗汉。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/2006Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《俱舍论》。全名《阿毗达磨俱舍论》。第五世纪中,印度佛学家世亲所著。全书分为分别界品、分别根品、分别世间品、分别业品、分别随眠品、分别道及补特伽罗品、分别智品和分别定品,共八卷。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/2034Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "五现觉生次。密乘本尊生起次第之一。观想莲座上端,从韵母生起月轮,声母生起日轮,就中生起本尊手帜,标以种子,从此放敛光明融合圆满,而后生起本尊全貌。如是名为五种现觉生次。月轮表从大圆镜智现觉; 日轮表从平等性智现觉; 种子手帜表从妙观察智现觉; 圆满融合表从成所作智现觉; 本尊全貌表从法界体性智现觉。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/2044Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "八现灭诤,现前毗尼。 《毗奈耶经》所说比丘间灭诤七法所有八种现前灭诤:依教依理,使意志协调一致,为立敌现前灭诤;依此自力,诤若不灭,则由中证列举理由使趋息灭,为直道现前灭诤;此仍不灭,则由熟悉争端僧迦使趋息灭,为僧迦现前灭诤; 此仍不灭,则由明达教理比丘四人以上,依于白二羯磨使趋息灭,为明白现前灭诤; 此仍不灭,则由是诸比丘,再依白二羯磨,另嘱贤者使之息灭,为明明现前灭诤, 此仍不灭,则将争端告诉僧迦有上座者使之息灭,为有上座僧伽现前灭诤; 此仍不灭,则以告于正量三藏法师使之息之,为三藏法师现前灭诤; 此仍不灭,则以告于无敢违命有威上座使之息灭,为威力上座现前灭诤。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/2053Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "五百年十期。佛教流传世间,共五千年,分为十期,期五百年。初证阿罗汉果,次证不还果,三证预流果,是为证果三期;四修胜观,五修寂止,六持净戒,是为修行三期; 七学对法藏,八学经藏,九学律藏,是为法教三期;末五百年,见行失常,唯具出家外表形相,是为唯相一期。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/2107Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《加行指导•普贤上师言教集》。竹庆寺巴格活佛•吉美却旺所著《法界精义》的加行指导。书中依据自己的修行体验,叙述包括共通外加行、不共内加行、修行根本次第、捷径往生支分等在内的各种所缘次第。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/2109Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "十旧仪轨。释迦牟尼未涅槃时十种近圆戒仪轨:佛与独觉由证尽智及无生智,证大菩提,从而有二种获得近圆;五贤比丘生起见道,由内证智而得近圆;舍利子等由善前来而得近圆;大迦叶等由承认导师而得近圆;六十善群。比丘由许三归而得近圆;帝王后妃由许修学八难断法而得近圆;善调由于答问心喜而得近圆; 供施女因未获父母之命,由佛遣使比丘尼邬巴往告音讯,依僧传言而得近圆;僧伽会众,中土十人,边地五人,具行白四羯磨而得近圆。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/213Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "法界部。宁玛派大圆满阿底瑜伽三部中之出世法界部。此法界部金刚法統,由论师室利僧哈及藏族译师毗卢遮那传出。其见解主张:本智在法性普贤界中,所起一切事物形象,只是罗列其化景,一切束缚、解脱、所现、能现均不成立,是故不待辨别为有、为无、为是、为非,即是本来解脱,广大无垠。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/2130Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "卓尼寺。在甘南藏族自治州卓尼县内。1295年,有萨迦派喇嘛奉大宝法王八恩巴之命建立的萨迦派一寺庙。1459年,法主仁钦伦波改为格鲁派寺庙。1714年,卓尼•札巴协珠在寺中首创显乘院辩论佛经。1729年又创密乘院修学密教,浸成大寺。寺中旧时有佛说部和注疏部藏经木刻版,印刷流行颇广。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/2176Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "八难断法。十旧仪轨之一。帝王后妃由自认可永断八难断法而得近圆。八难断法为:亲从比丘受近圆戒;半月半月从比丘听受教言;于比丘处认可夏住; 从僧尼二众解制; 若犯难断即于二众履行迁悦; 不言比丘犯戒; 不轻侮比丘; 顶礼肃敬新进比丘。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/2255Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "法。梵音译作达磨。义谓“能维持其自体者”。古印度佛学家世亲所著《注疏明论》中说达磨一词,有十种含义。如云:“有为法及无为法”,法指知识;“道谛之法”,法指道路; “灭谛之法”,法指涅槃; “法处之法”,指意根所对之处境; “与诸妃眷少年共同享法”,法指福泽;“凡夫贪爱现法”,法指寿命;“毗奈耶法”,法指佛经;“身乃老法”,法指未来;“四沙门法”,法指确定; “世出世法”,法指规范。今此十义,通约为三:一指规范、二指佛经、三指知识。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.