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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie lcam pa
Wylie Definition Fundamentals 16.2 (item 17). Malva verticellata L. Hübotter/1 1, 115; Chinese malve; heals retention of urine & diarrhea. Hübotter/2 2, 74. JD 141. SS 479.6. Types: pho lcam, mon lcam, mo lcam. KP1 190.2. = nyi dga'. YTTM 293.18. DG 263.4 Mdo 322. Tibetan medicine knows three kinds. JD 141: 1) Male lcam pa (pho lcam) groows on tall stalks in meadows. It has large leaves and wide mouthed white flowers. 2) Female lcam pa (mo lcam), smaller than the preceding. 3) Neuter lcam pa (ma ning lcam pa, = mon lcam). Dag-yig: A perennial herb. It grows to a height of 25-90 centimeters. The main stalk grows straight. The leaves are almost circular in shape. The flowers are brownish-red or light red depending on the species (rigs). The flowers open in the 8th or 9th month. The fruit is made into a medicine. There are three kinds: male, female & neuter.
Wylie Synonym
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