āryavaṃśa (2938)

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Entry 2938, Page 105, Col. 1
(AryavaMSa, AryavaMSa)
āryavaṃśa¦ (m.; = Pali ariyavaṃsa, see CPD s.v.), the (fourfold) attitudes (lit. ‘stocks’, sources) of the Buddhist saint, listed AbhidhK. LaV-P. vi.146 ff.: RP 13.17--18 caturṇām °śānām anuvartanatā; 14.7 caturāryavaṃśani- ratā; KP 6.17 (vs) ājīvaśuddho sthita āryavaṃśe; 123.3 saṃtuṣṭaḥ caturbhir āryavaṃśair (the first three are con- tentment with garments, food, seat-and-bed of monks; acc. to AbhidhK. the fourth is devotion to the way to release, by appropriate behavior); 126.7 (vs) °vaṃśehi samanvito 'pi; Śikṣ 105.8 caturāryavaṃśaparivarjanatayā (due to lābhasatkāra; misunderstood by Bendall and Rouse); 191.10 °vaṃśa-saṃtuṣṭi (cf. above).


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