Yaśodharā, (1) (12441)

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Yaśodharā, (1)
Entry 12441, Page 445, Col. 2
(yaSoDarA, yaSoDarA)
Yaśodharā, (1)¦ (= Pali Yaso°) n. of the wife of Śākyamuni as Bodhisattva (see also Yaśovatī, Yaśavatī, Gopā): Mvy 1070; Mv ii.25.12 (birth); 48.7 (meets the Bodhisattva); 69.2 ff. (rejects Devadatta); 72.18 ff. (coquets with the Bodhisattva); 73.5 ff. (requested in marriage; her father first refuses); 135.13 (her dream); previous incarna- tions, Mv i.128.13; ii.64.4; 67.11, 16 (other refs. in Mv, see Index); Divy 253.26; enlightenment predicted SP 269.6 ff.; mentioned also SP 2.10; (2) n. of a devakumārikā in the south: Mv iii.307.8 = LV 389.7.


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