anuvidiś (1022)

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Entry 1022, Page 34, Col. 1
(anuvidiS, anuvidiS)
anuvidiś¦, f. (blend of Skt. vidiś and Pali anudisā), supplementary direction, semi-cardinal point, = vidiś, in Bcṭ 328.11 (= Śikṣ 245.18, where text na tu vidiśam); in Śikṣ 252.15 text correctly nānuvidiśaṃ (acc. sg.); in these adhaḥ and ūrdhvam are separately mentioned, as in AsP 481.18--19 mordhvaṃ mādho mā cānuvidiśam avalokayan gāḥ; but for this fact, Sukh 36.11 could easily be taken to prove that anu° means specifically the nadir and zenith, since, after the 4 cardinal points (°paścimottarāsu dikṣu), it follows with adha ūrdhvam anuvidikṣu. But the above passages show that adha ūrdhvam in Sukh must not be taken with anu°, which must apparently mean instead the semicardinal points (not otherwise mentioned here).


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