aruṇodghāṭa- (1899)

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Entry 1899, Page 65, Col. 2
(aruRodGAwa, aruRodGAwa-)
aruṇodghāṭa-¦ (Mv), or aruṇodghāṭana- (LV), break of dawn (= Skt. aruṇodaya), cpd. with -kāla-samaye (kāla once omitted): Mv i.229.7 (here Senart em. °ṇopagh°, wrongly); ii.133.7; 284.16; 415.18; 422.6; 431.11; LV 345.20; 350.8. The stems udghāṭa and °ṭana both occur in Skt. in mg. opening, but do not seem to be used of the dawn.


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