gaṇḍaka (5606)

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Entry 5606, Page 208, Col. 1
(gaRqaka, gaRqaka)
gaṇḍaka¦ (m. ? = gaṇḍa, q.v.), (1) part, in pañca- gaṇḍaka, adj., five-partite, five-fold (also gaṇḍa, 2), ep. of the (saṃsāra-) cakra or wheel of rebirth (not the dharma- cakra as absurdly stated in Divy, Index) referring, as is clear from Divy 300.8--12, to the five states of being in which one may be reborn (see s.v. gati), hell-inhabitants, animals, ghosts (preta), gods, and men: Divy 48.25; 180.22; 281.29; 300.8, 9; 301.18; 551.15; 567.10; Av i.50.13--14; 96.5; 104.5 etc. (and in Gv 484.9 pañca- gaṇḍa-gati-cakra); MSV ii.130.18; (2) rhinoceros (= gaṇḍa 3, q.v.; Skt. Lex. and Pali Lex. id., see Childers; Pkt. Lex. and Deśīn. 7.57 gaṇḍaya): Mv iii.303.10 (prose) gaṇḍaka-bhayaṃ vā (with other dangerous animals); (3) n. pr., given to Kāla, brother of King Prasenajit: [Page208-b+ 71] Divy 155.13 (yatrāsya) śarīraṃ gaṇḍa-gaṇḍaṃ (see s.v. gaṇḍa 2; cf. Divy 153.28 ff. for the point) kṛtaṃ, tasya Gaṇḍaka ārāmika iti saṃjñā saṃvṛttā; 157.25.


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