jāti, (1) (6555)

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jāti, (1)
Entry 6555, Page 240, Col. 2
(jAti, jAti)
jāti, (1)¦ as in Skt., kind, sort, but with forms of nt. gender: tāni sarvāṇi prāṇaka-jātīni Mv ii.95.10 (prose), all those kinds of living beings; (prāṇakajātīyo 14, but then, in same sentence) tāni sthalacarāṇi prāṇakajātīni (v.l. °tāni) 15; cf., in ii.132.17, ekaṃ (so mss.) pi jātiṃ duve pi jātiṃ (mss.) trayo pi jātiṃ (mss.), etc.; (2) f., age (cf. -jātīya): daharo 'ham asmi…jātyā SP 318.2 (prose), I am young in age (lit., perhaps, by birth); (3) (as in Pali, e.g. jāti-vīṇā Jāt. ii.249.24, noble lute; and like Skt. kula-) at beginning of cpd., characterized by nobility; noble, excellent: jāty-utpalātimuktaiś ca SP 342.8 (vs), with excellent water-lilies and atimukta-flowers (Burnouf and Kern transl. have different readings for the last word).


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