mūlāto (12194)

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Entry 12194, Page 437, Col. 1
(mUlAto, mUlAto)
mūlāto¦, abl. of mūla used as postpos. with gen., from; away from; as a result of, because of (the phrase = the abl. of the dependent noun); cf. mūlaṃ, mūle: (teṣāṃ sarva-)kāśikośalakā manuṣyā mūlāto prītā Mv i.350.7,…were pleased because of them; samanantara- prakrānto ca kāśirājā Śyāmakaśirisya mūlāto Mv ii.215.7, …from Ś.; mama mūlāto gatvā 246.17 and 18, going away from me; (sa teṣāṃ śakuntakānāṃ, gen. for acc.) parirakṣati sākuntikānām (v.l. śă°) api mūlāto (etc., several similar phrases) 251.5 ff., he protected those birds from fowlers, etc.; Kuśasya mūlāto palāyitvā 485.5, fleeing from K., and similarly 20; vayasyakānāṃ mūlāto nirdhā- vitvā iii.34.17; nalinīye mūlāto…putrā jātā, aparāṇāṃ pi devīnāṃ…putraśataṃ jātaṃ 152.8--9, from N. were born…sons, and from the other queens…100 sons; mukto tāye piśācinīye mūlāto Mv iii.163.18, escaped from that ogress (Senart punctuates wrongly); icchāmi tava mūlāto putraṃ 403.1, I desire a son thru you (by your grace; addressing a tree supposed to have supernatural power).


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