paryāya (9274)

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Entry 9274, Page 335, Col. 2
(paryAya, paryAya)
paryāya¦, m. (= Pali pariyāya; in these mgs. not in Skt.), (1) arrangement, disposition for doing anything: °yam akārṣīt…iha āgamanāya Mv i.35.7, has made ar- rangements to come here (so Pali, pariyāyaṃ karoti); brāh- maṇai(r)…paryāyo hy eṣa cintitaḥ Divy 624.7, this procedure has been devised…; (2) way, means, virtually = upāya: ko nu khalv asyāt paryāyo yena…Mv iii.439.15, repeated 440.11, what would be a way (means) whereby…; in this sense esp. dharma-paryāya, q.v.; cf. dharmāṇāṃ paryāya-jñānam Bbh 214.10, and paryāya alone = dharma-p°, in SP 28.6 (vs) tam eva 'yaṃ (so with WT for KN yaṃ) icchati bhāṣaṇāya paryāyam agraṃ tada yo mayā śrutaḥ (so WT with Ḱ for KN yaṃ…śrutaṃ); here doubtless also Mv i.104.15 (vs), where mss. bodhi- sattvaparyāya-(unmetr., but MIndic °pariyāya- gives good meter and sense; Senart em. °pariṣāya)-īśvarā, lords of the manner (method; of teaching, dharma-p°) of Bo- dhisattvas; alternatively, °pariyāya = °yaṃ, acc. with deśayanti in 14, the Lords teach the way (manner, course, mg. 3) of bodhisattvas; (3) way, manner: loka- (so read with v.l., Senart loke) -paryāya-kovidu Mv ii.405.6, knowing the ways of the world; cetaḥ-(citta-)-paryāya, q.v., the ways of thought, of the mind (esp. of others, as known by Buddhas); anekaparyāyeṇa, in various ways, Av i.63.8 etc.; anekaparyāyeṇa asmin kāye duḥkhāni saṃkramanti Mv ii.146.3; anena paryāyeṇa, in this way, SP 107.5; 316.8; Vaj 33.8--9; in this (changed, alternative) way SP 110.8; sometimes esp. anenāpi paryāyeṇa appears to mean even in that alternative, on that different sup- position, SP 76.14, and prob. 82.9 (parallel to 76.14); hence (4) (alternative) kind, sort, in durūpa- (q.v.; so with mss.)-paryāyā (same vs iii.456.19 durūpam āgamya) karmā kalyāṇapāpakā (iii.456.19 karma °pakaṃ) Mv i.12.13 (vs), actions are of two alternative kinds, good and bad.


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