pratisṛjyati (10205)

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Entry 10205, Page 373, Col. 1
(pratisfjyati, pratisfjyati)
pratisṛjyati¦ (4th class pres. to prati-sṛj-, which in Skt. is rare and doubtful, and seems recorded nowhere else), abandons, gives up: icchema (mss. ikṣema; read īkṣema?) pratisṛjyantau icchema (so most mss., two ikṣema) maraṇam ātmanaḥ Mv i.181.1 (vs),…abandoning (life), we desire our own death. (Otherwise but implausibly Se- nart.) Note several cpds. of sṛj in Mvy 2547-58, including prati-ni-, prati-vi-ni-; and the 4th class pres. utsṛjyate (not pass.) 2558.


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