saṃrādha(ya)ti, °dheti (15390)

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saṃrādha(ya)ti, °dheti
Entry 15390, Page 539, Col. 1
(saMrADati, saMrADa(ya)ti, °Deti)
saṃrādha(ya)ti, °dheti¦ (cf. saṃrāgayati), felici- tates: te dāni rājānaṃ °dhenti (so, or °dhyanti, read °dhanti?, mss.; Senart em. to ārocenti, the reading of i.226.14): lābhā te mahārāja sulabdhā yasya te 'yaṃ mahāpuruṣo kule utpanno Mv ii.29.17, these (gods) now congratulated the king: You have won great good fortune, O king, in that this Great Person (the Bodhisattva) has been born in your family; in Mv ii.403.18 Senart reads: bodhisattvo Kālaṃ nāgarājānaṃ (his em. of these words seems necessary) saṃrāgeti (but mss. saṃrādhati, proved essentially right by ii.29.17): evam etaṃ…mahānāga, adyāhaṃ…abhisaṃbudhyiṣyaṃ (v.l. °buddhiṣyaṃ).


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