samajya (15832)

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Entry 15832, Page 561, Col. 1
(samajya, samajya)
samajya¦ (nt. ? app. = Pali samajja, for Skt. samāja, rarely samajyā, which Senart reads by em. in Mv; but the word can hardly have in Mv the mg. which the Pali has acc. to Hardy, Album Kern 61 ff., see Giriyagra- samāja), (festal or social) gathering, meeting: of a public debate, (brāhmaṇena evaṃ samayaṃ kṛtvā parivrājikāye daṇḍakaṃ [app. as a gauge] praśaktaṃ [read pras°, was furnished, tendered], parivrājikāpi) taṃ brāhmaṇaṃ sama- jya-pratyanubhāvārthaṃ uttaraṃ (mss. °ra-) pratyud- dharehi (so mss.; read °reti, or °si, Senart °dhāreti) Mv iii.393.3, and to that brahman the female ascetic, in order to participate in the public meeting, withheld (restrained, held back, moderated) her answer, i.e. she deliberately refrained from doing her best in the debate.


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