upadhi-vāraka (3685)

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Entry 3685, Page 136, Col. 1
(upaDivAraka, upaDi-vAraka)
upadhi-vāraka¦ (only Divy 542.21), regularly °vārika, m. (from prec.; see upadhi 3), lit. guardian of material objects; beadle or provost of a monastery, in charge of physical properties: Mvy 9067 = Tib. dge skos (Jä. dge bskos, Das dge skyos or bskyos), lit. virtue (or welfare, or alms) commissioner; see AbhidhK. LaV-P. iv. 237 note 1; Divy 50.27 upadhivārikasya; 81.27 (= MSV i.80.5) °kaḥ pṛṣṭaḥ; 237.16 (Dharmarucir) vihāre °ko vyavasthāpitaḥ; 237.24; 542.21 °vārakasya, but 543.17, repeating the sub- stance of 542.21, °vārikasya; Av ii.87.2 tata upadhivārikeṇa gaṇḍīr ākoṭitā; he announced the day of the half-month to the monks, MSV iii.98.8--9. Acc. to Das, this officer was ‘a supervisor or director of monks…a sort of provost- sergeant…who keeps strict order and punishes trans- gressors.’ This fits well the usual mg. of Tib. dge ba (virtue).


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