uttari (3382)

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Entry 3382, Page 123, Col. 1
(uttari, uttari)
uttari¦ (apparently the usual form; also uttarī, chiefly if not wholly m.c.; uttariṃ, once uttarīṃ; uttare, °reṇa; possibly uttaraṃ, but use of this as separate adv. uncertain; in prior part of cpds. uttari-, °re-, °raṃ-, besides normal Skt. uttara-; Pali apparently only uttariṃ as separate word, uttari- in prior part of cpds, besides uttara-) adv., and prep. or postposition with abl. or gen., further, beyond, of time, space, number, etc.; synonym of bhūyas; all the forms enumerated seem to be equivalent and interchangeable to the extent indicated above; none seem recorded in these uses in Skt. or Pkt. acc. to the dictionaries; once uttarī may be intended as n. sg. m. of an adj., Bbh 102.15 (prose) na ebhya uttarī na ebhyo bhūyān anyo hetur vidyate, no other cause is found beyond these, greater than these (cf. the next passages); with de- pendent abl., usually atas, tatas: nāsty ata uttari nāsty ato bhūyaḥ (cf. prec.) Bbh 25.17 (prose); nāta uttari nāto bhūyaḥ 36.18; (cf., without dependent, kutaḥ punar uttari kuto bhūyaḥ 297.22;) tatottarī (m.c.?) agaṇiyu tasya āsīt saṃghas…SP 192.7 (vs; for tata uttari), beyond that (number), incalculable was his assembly; ataś [Page123-b+ 71] ca bhūya uttari viśiṣṭatarāṃ (both edd. as cpd. uttari-vi°) …pūjāṃ kariṣyāmi SP 412.3 (prose); tata uttari (of time) SP 160.4 (prose); ato 'py uttari (of serial numbers) LV 148.12 (prose, and repeatedly in sequel); tatottari LV 154.7 (prose! for tata ut°); tata uttarīṃ (this form is isolated) bahukalpaṃ Dbh.g. 17(353).17, many kalpas beyond this; ata uttari Gv 104.25; LV 239.15 (both prose; to LV corresponds Mv ii.119.5 and 120.16 where uttari has no dependent form); ato ca uttari Mv iii.55.15 (prose); tato vottari tiṣṭhet Sukh 4.12 (prose), or should remain (a time) beyond that; ato bahū uttari lokadhātu Sukh 46.1 (vs); varṣaśataṃ vā tato vottari Gv 522.6 (prose); tata uttare Dbh 48.15 (prose); atottareṇa LV 172.21 (vs; for ata ut°); uttari manuṣyadharmād…jñānadarśanavi- śeṣaṃ sākṣātkartum (263.11 °śeṣaḥ sākṣātkṛto) LV 246.16; 263.11 (both prose; cf. the cpd. uttari-manuṣya° below), …beyond human conditions; with dependent gen., mama uttari yo (ed. uttariyo) viśiṣṭo LV 119.3 (vs), who is distinguished beyond me; naitasya (ed. ne°) ācariya uttari LV 125.5 (vs), there is no teacher higher than he; tasyottareṇa Mv i.2.2, Senart em., but read with mss. pratyot°, q.v.; i.250.5 (śloka vs) dīpaṃkarasya ottareṇa (see this; bad meter), prob. read °karasyottareṇa, which may mean °sya-ut°, after Dīpaṃkara; uttareṇa Vairambhasya mahā- samudrasya Divy 105.29 (prose) beyond…; adv., without dependent: form uttari, uttari cābhyanumodayiṣyanti SP 338.3 (prose), and further they will…; yad uttary arhattve pratiṣṭhāpayet 348.2 (prose), if further he should establish them in arhatship; dānanisargaḥ punar uttari pravartate sma LV 95.7 (prose); (tathā) cottari paryeṣate LV 245.20 (prose); uttari senām āmantrayate sma 319.19 (prose), (Māra) further addressed his host; Mv ii.119.5 and 120.16 (parallel to LV 239.15, above, where ata uttari); uttari viśeṣaṃ (Senart °ri-viś° as cpd.) ārabheyam Mv iii.173.4 (prose), may I attain further (exceptional) dis- tinction (as compared with the retinue, who were now his equals); Mv iii.396.9 (prose; parallel to Pali Sn prose after 517, where uttariṃ, v.l. uttari); Sukh 10.12 (prose); RP 4.3 (vs); Śikṣ 16.14 (prose); Dbh.g. 20(356).17; 23(359).2; in some of the preceding uttari occurs in situations where we should except an adjective, which seems even more called for in the next, where, however, f. or m. gender would be demanded: (na sā strī…saṃvidyate) yā tasyā rūpeṇa samā kutaḥ punar uttari Gv 172.21 (prose)…no one who would be equal to her in beauty, how much less beyond (superior to) her!, and parallels in the sequel with masc. for fem., but always uttari, 172.23, 26, etc.; uttarī (prob. m.c., but cf. Bbh 102.15 above), na uttarī prārthayi (ger., or aor.?) SP 213.10, not asking (or, we did not ask) further; uttariṃ (not m.c., tho in vss!), Dbh.g. 6(342).9; te kalpakoṭīm athavāpi cottariṃ…Sukh 45.6; uttare, sometimes, as in the first two, interpretable as n. sg. m. of uttara (§ 8.25), but so closely parallel in use to uttari that it is better taken as adv.: jātyā ca so viṃśatir uttare vā SP 313.8 (vs); sadṛśo 'sti na te kutottare LV 364.18 (Lefm. with mss. kutontare, Foucaux cites kutottare from a ms., and this is certainly meant); na me 'sty ato 'rtha(ḥ), ata uttare gaṇana apratimasya jñānam (so read) LV 151.4--5 (vs); kaścid uttare naivasaṃjñānāsaṃjñā- yatanasamāpatter mārgaḥ LV 245.3 (prose); uttare vai nānāmiṣeṇa saṃtarpya Gv 146.3, similarly 146.16; 152.15 (all prose); te kalpakoṭīr athavāpi uttare Sukh 74.17 (cf. 45.6, above; vs but end of pāda), they, for crores of kalpas or even further…; in LV 119.6 (vs) reading un- certain, kuta uttaraṃ (so Lefm. with ms. A, other mss. °ri, unmetr.; Calc. °rī, perhaps rightly) vā, how could there be one higher (prob. adverb); [in Mv ii.243.7 (prose) ed. tasya pañjarasya uttariṃ sthitvā, but read with v.l. upari, on top of the cage; this mg. is not found for uttari(ṃ);] in composition, uttari-jñāna-viśeṣasūcanatāyai Gv 191.11 (prose; apparently substantially = uttara); note esp. [Page124-a+ 71] uttarottari-(v.l. °ra-)-viśiṣṭatara-kuśalamūla- LV 429.14 (prose), more and more exceedingly superior roots of merit; (ekam pudgalaṃ sthāpayitvā) śaikṣapratipady uttari- karanīyaṃ Sukh 2.13 (prose), (except one person) who had something left to do in the śaikṣa course (the rest all being arhats); note that Pali has the same cpd. uttari- karaṇīya, but acc. to PTSD only as a karmadharaya, an additional duty, not as a bahuvrīhi as here; in some of the above it is not certain whether uttari- is compounded with the following word or a separate adverb; in LV 246.16; 263.11, above, uttari must be prep., governing manuṣyadharmād; to these passages correspond Mv ii.121.7, 12; 122.2 uttari-manuṣyadharmasya jñānāye darśanāye saṃbodhāye; Senart takes the word as a cpd., depending on jñānāye etc., prob. rightly, tho the gen. manuṣyadharmasya might be dependent on prep. uttari; the latter construction is impossible, and a cpd. (= Pali uttarimanussadhamma, superhuman faculties or conditions; the analysis of the Pali comm. cited by Childers is incon- sistent with that indicated by LV 246.16 and 263.11) must be assumed in Mv ii.130.12 kaṃcid uttarimanuṣya- dharmaṃ; Divy 145.21, 28 and 146.16 uttarimanuṣya- dharme (so with mss., ed. wrongly em. uttare man°); Śikṣ 62.4 uttarimanuṣyadharmair; besides this, the same cpd. is recorded in BHS (not in Pali) as uttara-manuṣya- dharma-(-pralāpa, m.), Mvy 8367, declaring (falsely the possession of) superhuman faculties (one of the parajika sins); also uttaraṃ-man° Divy 144.4, 28; 145.18 (mss., in 144.4 ed. em. °re); Bhīk 26a.3; uttare-man° Divy 144.9, 13, 21, 23, 27; 145.3, 11, 13, 17; 146.8, 25 (in all these read as cpd.; ed. takes uttare as separate adj., misled by the fact that the cpd. is a loc., ending °dharme; see above for evidence that uttare = uttari as adv. and prep.); in Divy 144.5 apparently anuttare is used as synonym of uttare in this cpd. (taken by ed. as separate adj.), yady ekaṃ śramaṇo Gautamo 'nuttare-manuṣyadharme riddhi- prātihāryaṃ vidarśayiṣyati vayaṃ dve (see anuttara; but this word does not fit and must be either a cor- ruption, or a sign of misunderstanding by the author of the passage; elsewhere in the same passage only forms of uttara-, uttari- etc. are used).


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