vītihāra (14369)

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Entry 14369, Page 506, Col. 1
(vItihAra, vItihAra)
vītihāra¦, always and only in Mv (= Pali id., cpd. with pada-) and (in other texts than Mv) vyatihāra, m., (1) cpd. with pada-or krama(tala)-, a setting down of the foot, footstep: pada-°reṇa ṛddhīye yena śuddhāvāsaṃ devanikāyaṃ tena prakrāmi Mv i.35.2, with one step went by magic…; ekakṣaṇena pada-°hāreṇa rājagṛhād vaihā- yasam abhyudgamya Mv i.55.2; Padumāvatīye pada- °hārāṇām ubhayato padumāni…Mv iii.162.6, lotuses (appeared) in the footprints of both the feet of P.; hastapāda- parityāgena mahāpratiṣṭhāna-kramatala-°hāreṇa Śikṣ 24.6, (a Bodhisattva) by sacrificing his hands and feet (to suppli- ants, and so) with the step of the soles of his feet on a firm foundation; yo dharmaśravaṇahetuko vā dharmadeśanā- hetuko vāntaśa ekakrama-°hāro 'ntaśa eka-ucchvāsa- praśvāso vā Śikṣ 42.4, whatever (motion), be it only a single footstep or a single breath, is motivated towards hearing or preaching the Doctrine; ekakrama-°hāraṃ vātikramya vācaṃ bhāṣate Śikṣ 173.17, or who, stepping a single footstep (i.e. at every step), pronounces the words (Homage to that Buddha); (ekaikena ca cittotpādena…-paramāṇu- rajaḥsamān) pada-°hārān (1st ed. corruptly °vyativyā- hārān, 2d ed. °vyavahārān) kramāmi, ekaikena ca pada- °hāreṇa (text °vyavahāreṇa)…-paramāṇurajaḥsamāni buddhakṣetrāṇy atikramāmi Gv 217.13, with each thought I step innumerable footsteps, and with each footstep I pass…; (2) passage (of time), only in comp. with kṣaṇa (-°hāreṇa), in the passage of a single instant: bodhisattvā ekakṣaṇa-°hāreṇāprameya…buddhān paśyanti (21.3 satkurvanti) Sukh 20.8; 21.3; ekena (mss., Senart em. ettakena, but cf. Sukh) kṣaṇa-°hāreṇa Mv i.55.14; to be sure ettakena is read in the mss. in the same phrase Mv i.56.9; iii.425.16, 22; 450.16, and it can be interpreted, see ettaka.


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