viharati (14337)

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Entry 14337, Page 504, Col. 2
(viharati, viharati)
viharati¦, rarely °te (perh. m.c.), (= Pali id.) lives, dwells, spends one's time, in very general sense: usually = Tib. gnas (pa), e.g. Mvy 1478 ff.; sarve saddharma- guravo vyahārṣur (so read) viharanti ca, athāpi vihariṣ- yanti eṣa buddheṣu dharmatā Ud xxi.12, all (sc. Buddhas, past, present, and future) lived, live, and will live showing respect for the Good Law; this is the nature of Buddhas (= Pali AN ii.21.21--22, where the preceding prose makes the mg. clear; Chakravarti is unsatisfactory); Buddha- vihāreṇa viharan Mvy 354, living in the way of life of a B., = Tib. saṅs rgyas kyi gnas pas gnas pa; something like this is prob. meant by, vihārakuśalo dhīro tatra (viz. in the city of Ratanakholaka) viharate muniḥ Mv i.186.20 (vs), the wise Sage (Buddha) dwells there, knowing the right way (or the way appropriate to him, the Buddha's way) to live (Senart sees in vihāra-kuśalo a reference to the four brahma-vihāra, which I doubt; cf. Bbh 90.8 s.v. vihāra 2); buddha-vihāreṇa vatādya Tathāgato viharati, jina-vi° sarvajñatā-vi° mahānāga-vihāreṇa vatādya Tathāgato viharati, atītānāgatapratyutpannān vā tathāgatān…sa- manusmarati Sukh 3.11 ff., the T. is dwelling in the Buddha- state etc.; divyehi vihārehi āniñjehi vihārehi sāntatyehi vihārehi buddho buddha-vihārehi…(etc.) tehi tehi vihārehi viharati Mv i.34.11--14,…(Buddha) dwells in (various) states (conditions or modes of life); similarly ii.419.10--15; tadāpy ahaṃ bhagavan yadbhūyastvenāne- naiva vihāreṇa viharāmi SP 60.8, even then, Lord, I mostly live in this same state (here, of mind); there follows a quota- tion of the speaker's thoughts; hence at least one Chin. translator renders I think, using the same character which elsewhere renders cintayati; Tib. seems to render mchi ba (come, go, appear): rtag par nam mchi ba deḥi tshe bcom Idan ḥdas ḥdi ltar; Senart (p. xxiii) renders a similar phrase passe par les états d'esprit in Mv iii.225.10--14 ekapiṇḍapātreṇāhaṃ ānanda traimāsaṃ niṣīdiṣyaṃ puri- makānāṃ tathāgatānāṃ…vihārehi vihariṣyaṃ,…I will dwell in the states of being (mind ?) of the former Buddhas, which he then does; (Mañjuśrīḥ…) imaṃ dharmapar- yāyaṃ saṃprakāśayamānaḥ sukhasparśaṃ (v.l. sukhasaṃ- sparśaṃ) viharati SP 286.6,…dwells in a happy condition.


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