vivartati, °te, (1) (14189)

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vivartati, °te, (1)
Entry 14189, Page 499, Col. 2
(vivartati, vivartati, °te)
vivartati, °te, (1)¦ (cf. Skt., BR vart- with vi- 2), falls back, backslides, esp. of a Bodhisattva, from one bhūmi to a lower one: Mv i.77.4; 79.9 ff., 80.1; 89.9 ff.; 90.6 ff.; 96.2 ff.; 110.5; 120.6 ff.; 127.2 ff.; contrary to Senart, note on i.77.4, there is no record of saṃvartati in a sense opposite to this (saṃvartante 77.5 is Senart's em. and his Index has no other ref.); (2) (cf. similar use in Skt., BR vart- with vi- 4) evolves, said of the periodic evolution afresh of the world after a period of dissolution; opp. saṃvartati, °te (1), devolves, comes to dissolution; Pali in same mgs. vivaṭṭati, saṃvaṭṭati: so bhagavāṃ catura- śītihi śrāvakasahasrehi (Senart adds sārdhaṃ) caturaśīti- saṃvarta-vivarta-sthito; saṃvartamāne loke bhagavāñ caturaśītihi śrāvakasahasrehi sārdhaṃ ābhāsvaraṃ devani- kāyaṃ gacchati, vivartamāne loke ihāgacchati iha dhar- maṃ deśayati Mv i.63.5--8; (ayaṃ loko…) saṃvartati, saṃvartamāne ca…loke yobhūyena sattvā ābhāsvare devanikāye upapadyanti; bhavati…sa samayo yad ayaṃ loko…vivartati, vivartamāne…loke saṃsthite lokasaṃniveśe (mss. °sthito °veśo, may be kept) anyatarā sattvā…ābhāsvarāto devanikāyāto cyavitvā icchatvam (see itthatva) āgacchanti Mv i.338.14--18; saṃvartamāne khalu loke sarvaprathamaṃ pṛthivīpradeśo uddahyati vivartamāne ca…loke sarvaprathamaṃ pṛthivīpradeśo saṃsthihati Mv ii.262.11--13; bhavati…sa samayo yadāyaṃ lokaḥ saṃvartate (is destroyed; Bendall and Rouse, comes together!); tadeyaṃ mahāpṛthivī agninā vā dahyate…Śikṣ 246.7; vivartamāne…loke…abhra- gaṇāḥ saṃtiṣṭhante…247.5; contrast, saṃvartamāne khalu punar loke 247.10. See vivarta, vivartanī(ya).


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