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English he having entirely disengaged himself from bodily conceptions, the hindering notions thus being vanished and no diverse ideas receiving any more into his mind and thinking himself like the space, after having accomplished the sensation of the infinite void space he continues and this is the fourth kind of emancipation
Chinese 內無色相,超一切色想滅有對想不思惟種種想入無邊空空無邊處定具足住是第四解脫,外觀色黃,其光亦黃,彼中得入無邊空處定具足住,是第四解脫,捨無色即謝滅一心緣,空與空相應即入無邊虛空處是謂第四解脫
Sanskrit (dev) स सर्वशो रूपसण्ज्ञानां समतिक्रमात्प्रतिघ [प्रथम]सञ्ज्ङानामस्तंगमान्नाना त्वसंज्ञानाममनसिकारादनन्तमाकाशमित्याकाशानन्त्यायतनमुप्सम्पद्य विहरत्ययं चतुर्थो विमोक्षः
Sanskrit (translit) sa sarvaśo rūpasaṇjñānāṃ samatikramāt pratigha [prathama]sañjṅānām astaṃgamān nānā tvasaṃjñānām amanasikārād anantam ākāśam ityākāśānantyāyatanam upsampadya viharaty ayaṃ caturtho vimokṣaḥ
Sanskrit (Tibetanized) ས༌སརྦྦ༌ཤོ༌རཱུ༌པ༌སཾ༌ཛྙཱ༌ནཱཾ༌ས༌མ༌ཏི༌ཀྲ༌མཱཏྤྲ༌ཏི༌གྷ༌སཾ༌ཛྙཱ༌ནཱ༌མ༌སྟཾ༌ག༌མཱ༌ཏྲ༌ནཱ༌ནཱ༌ཏྭ༌སཾ༌ཛྙཱ༌ནཱ༌མ༌མ༌ན༌སི༌ཀཱ༌རཱ༌ད༌ནནྟ༌མཱ༌ཀཱ༌ཤ༌མི༌ཏྱཱ༌ཀཱ༌ཤཱ༌ནནྟྱཱ༌ཡ༌ཏ༌ན༌མུ༌པ༌སཾ༌པ༌དྱ༌བི༌ཧ༌ར༌ཏྱ༌ཡཉྩ༌ཏུརརྠོ༌བི༌མི༌ཀྵཿ།

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